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-Preceding the event of having learnt about Goku's whereabouts, Vegeta stole one of Capsule Corp's spaceship in search of the said Saiyan that defeated Frieza, in space. To his dismay, after months of travel across the galaxy, visiting several planets, he came to the conclusion that Goku's location was still a mystery.

         He settled back on a journey to earth, grounded on the assumptions that the latter may have already returned to his homeland. Conscious that Kakarot would probably not be an easy target to defeat, he decided to train within the capsule itself. His obsession to overcome the low-rank saiyan that surpassed him, had stroke his pride and it renewed his determination to eliminate his rival. Currently, Goku was the only one that stood in his way, preventing him from becoming the ultimate ruler that he'd ever so desire.

        In the meantime on earth, Bulma was gathered with several of her friends on the balcony of her house, including her ex, they engaged in what seemed to be a pleasant dialogue, sipping on a cold drink enjoying the great summer day. Yamcha was hell bent on making an idiotic rap about some strange 'cat food' that he'd made it a must to relate the funny story to the blue haired girl, who seemed to have had an appreciation for him in the past. Of course, this was only meant to catch the beautiful lady's attention and obviously look cool.

        Despite her incredible intellect, she seemed to still be attracted to that bad boy, who had been her boyfriend for years. Except for the fact that ever since they returned on earth from their short adventure on namek, her mind had been straying on foreign lands. Neither her nor Yamcha had made a move in any way whatsoever to solve their past differences or even get back together.

     "You goof! You're such a nut! Where did you come up with that?" A sweet smile braced her lips as she placed a comment on Yamcha's silly rap about 'cat food'. Of course the smile was purely due to some thoughts that had been occupying her mind previously; and it hadn't been about Yamcha either.

     She'd been transfixed when she heard his ridiculous rap and decided to respond to it, in an attempt to alleviate the current mood.

        "That was from an old cat food commercial! Uron's hates it when I do that!" Yamcha answered, lips twitching into a large grin, truly content about his success in attracting Bulma's attention.

     "I ate cat food once!" The talking pig stated distantly, and as realization slapped right in the face, he cringed in disgust, adding: "oh man! I thought it was tuna fish!"

      "I had a weird dream last night that Vegeta came back!" Bulma ignored Uron's comment and voiced out her own. The smile on Yamcha's lips subsided and he stared at her in utter stupor. Did he hear what he thought he heard?

        "What? Vegeta? You dreamt about him?" Although he wished he'd look indifferent, the words slipped from his tongue bitterly, failing miserably to conceal his hatred for the man. Vegeta was after all the reason he died in the first place. Not to mention that Bulma's sudden interest in this wicked saiyan had his heart aching, making it almost impossible for him to breath.

    "You know actually he was pretty nice to me in the dream and a good kisser too!" Her voice echoed excitement, eyes dreamy and Yamcha simply glowered.

       "What you kissed him?" He questioned in annoyance. Bulma had always been attracted to men who were a challenge. Seeing Bulma craving for a ruthless man who had murdered countless life and exterminated several planet was actual hard to digest.

Intriguing Endearment [Vegeta x Bulma] Dragon Ball Z FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora