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       -The days slowly drew the Z-fighters closer to the arrival of the Androids' like the mysterious guy from the future had predicted. While the credibility of the information was yet to be tested, ever since Vegeta's return, both the heiress and the Saiyan Prince, have been drifting apart.

At first, it was easier to convince herself that it was temporary, but when the saiyan-jin began to spend more time in his gravity simulator and further going to the extent of ignoring the very existence of their son and herself, that only did she realized the rift between them was intensifying. The situation did displease the heiress considerably and even if she'd wanted to mend matters between them, she was helpless. Her son needed her far more than the man she'd craved attention from.

She felt foolish to have easily fallen in love with him while he was adamant in claiming that their relationship was purely physical. Sometimes, she did wondered if it was ever possible for him to feel the same but she couldn't force him and she wouldn't either.

As unbelievable as it was a fact, his pride was beyond everything else and as selfish as she may have been, she conformed if it meant she got to see him a few times in a month. A relationship that had began with constant challenge had evolved into something complicated where she felt like she was condemned to suffer and yet, she tolerated, if it meant he was happy. All she wanted was to support him, and guide him on the path of understanding...but...he wouldn't let her.

As the days expired, she slowly realized that her biggest fear might actually take place, she could either lose him in the midst of battle and if not, he would probably abandoned her and their child after the termination of this ordeal.

The arrival of the androids was inevitable. Since she didn't really get to meet him for the past few months, she'd decided that it was probably best for her to go on spot and meet all of her friends. Being the adamant woman that she was, she complied to her idea, even if it meant a terrible one. Securing Trunks's seatbelt in the aircraft, she leaned forth kissing the infant on his forehead before switching on the engine and taking off.

"I bet you want to see your dad...uhh Trunks?" She stated unable to hide the excitement in her voice. It didn't matter either; it was just her and the baby, after all. The child simply giggled, battling his arms and tiny legs enthusiastically.

'Lets hope I get to meet him too!' She thought mentally.

   It took her approximately one and a half hour to reach the prescribed city of where the Androids first attacks would be. Flying and swirling across the city, she wondered for an amazing spot where she could actually land and when she located Yamcha and Tien's erect features on a mountain nearby the city nestled in the middle of an island, she landed.

     "Hey there guys! How have you been?" Bulma exclaimed excitedly in a greeting, unbuckling the belt around the frame of her baby. Taking the child in her arms, she descended from the aircraft to speak to them.

      "Bulma? What are you doing here!" Yamcha expressed his stupor openly at the sight of the blue-hair female. Tien gasped.

        "That baby?" Tien commented, catching Yamcha's attention and his eyes finally descended on the infant she's been holding.

         "Yeah? Bulma can you..." The mafia boy trailed, eyes widening in realization, remembering his last dispute with the blue hair woman. She'd confessed to him that she loved Vegeta and it could only mean that they...

        "Yes! Meet my son guys! Trunks!" She flipped her hair happily at the male who eyed her warily, like she was the threat herself.

       "So it seems that you and Vegeta..."

Intriguing Endearment [Vegeta x Bulma] Dragon Ball Z FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant