Chapter Five.

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-Feeding the Saiyan prince with his usual monstrous like breakfast, she'd packed up everything, preparing herself to leave. On her way out however, she'd paused in her track and had taken a last glance at him; not failing to grasp the meaning behind mix emotions that clouded his austere face. It was a mixture of sadness, frustration and angst directed toward himself as he studied his broken arm. At that moment, she'd understood what he's been thinking. He must have been bothered by the fact that it's been a week already and he was unable to train one single bit. To think that she hated to see him like this even if it was for his own good. Although she couldn't quite understand herself, and why she felt bad for him. Seeing him this disheartened, distressed her.

     "I'll come visit later! Vegeta!" Had she declared while observing him. He'd made no effort to look at her as he responded.

         "Don't bother!" His only reply had been, churlish and strident. As she finally exited the room, and closed the door with one hand while making sure to not break the plates she'd shifted on her other, she came up with a fabulous idea. With some luck, she could probably help Vegeta get back on his feet rapidly. But for this to happen, she probably needed to head somewhere first; knowing all too well that if she'd invited that special someone at her place, then a certain saiyan prince would be in a bad mood again. Not that he wasn't already but still, upsetting him even further was the least she wanted right now.

     Perhaps, she could call before actually going anywhere. She was quick to place the dishes in the sink and to ask her maids to clean them up while she was away. Hurrying toward her phone, she dialed the home number of the one she'd been dying to meet. After a few beeps, a woman responded.

"Hello? Who is this?" The familiar voice of Chichi greeted formally.

"Hey Chichi! It's Bulma! How's Goku and Gohan doing?" She went on with the formalities of a proper greeting. Not that it was required since they'd been friends like forever, but still; if she was going to ask for a favor, this was the least she could do.

"Oh they're fine!" Chichi complained irritatedly, and Bulma thought she knew the reason of her annoyance. "Just training with Picolo in the mountains near the house!"

"Actually! I called since I needed a Senzu bean! I'd figure that Goku might have one atleast!"

"The only way to find out is for you to meet him directly! Hopefully; drop by when you have time!"

"Thanks for the offer Chichi! I shall take my leave now! See you!" Bulma declared unable to hide her excitement. She said her goodbyes and hang up the phone. So that was it. All she needed to do was find Goku and ask him for a bean.

Perhaps, she would be back before lunch so she could go ahead and feed the saiyan prince like she'd done earlier. Indeed, even if he'd shown his discontentment, she was particularly pleased to see his compliance. Knowing that he would never acknowledge the fact that she was right, she forced herself to be elated with the slow process of their relationships.

Excited, she'd scurried into her backyard garden, removed one of her capsule, pressed the button and threw it on the ground to reveal her brand new flying machine. Entering it in a flash, she buckled her belt and took off without warning. She'd already advised her mother to get Vegeta lunch in case she wasn't back for lunch. Her mother had agreed and now she was off to a new adventure. Jetting off in her ship, she began to head toward the ground where Goku and the others had been training.

Unlike her friends, she couldn't fly and her ship was slower than when they would actually fly using their ki, so indeed; she'd reached the training ground in no less than an hour. Goku, Picolo and Gohan had been particularly surprised to see her but they seemed as happy as she was to meet them. Landing on a safe zone before them, Gohan was the first one to hurry near the machine.

Intriguing Endearment [Vegeta x Bulma] Dragon Ball Z FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now