Chapter 9: Impulsive Tattoos

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Dirty, sweaty hands pulling on my clothing, brushing my skin. Wet, slimy lips puckering against my flesh, sucking on my surface. The music from downstairs seemed to beat louder every second, reminding me that nobody could hear my screams. Nobody was coming.

"God you won't believe how long I've wanted to do this. Ever since the first time I laid my eyes on that ass." Chad whispered as he grabbed my butt.

I cried out, desperately trying to get my legs to work. If only I could get off of this bed. Just get off.

My shirt was torn off my shoulder, my hair being pulled in the direction Chad wanted me.

Stop! I wanted to yell. Please, just stop!

"I thought you were a party girl, baby," he cackled as he pulled his shirt off of his body.

A whimper escaped my lips. He drugged me. I couldn't move. Nobody was coming. I could do nothing.

If I could make a real sound, I would be yelling. Screaming. Screaming at the top of my lungs, until no more noise would come out. So that's what I did. It was in my head, technically silent, but loud enough to make my brain rattle.

"Eve! Eve! Baby wake up!" Someone yelled from next to me. But the only word I took notice of was baby. That's we he called me.

I didn't open my eyes, I just started thrashing. He's here, he's in here with me.

"Get away from me Chad!" I cried.

"Whoa whoa Eve!" He yelled, grabbing my arms to keep me from hitting him. Tears leaked out from under my closed eyelids.

"I moved across the country to get away from you!" I yelled, kicking him in the stomach.

"Kate!" He called.

"No! You're not going to hurt her like you hurt me!" I cried. Slimy kisses, sweaty touches, ripped clothing...

I put my hands over my ears. "Get out of my head! Get out!" I pulled my knees to my chest, rocking back and forth on my bed. I shook my head violently. "Why can't I fucking forget you!"

"Eve?" A soft voice greeted me. Small arms wrapped around me. A gentle touch. "Eve open your eyes." I slowly rose my eyelids and saw Kate's bright green eyes staring back into my mine.

"You can't be here, he's here," I whispered, and my eyes watered as I said it. My eyes flicked around the room as I searched for him.

"It's just me and Drake here, Eve. You had a nightmare," Kate tried to reason.

"Drake?" I asked. I lifted my hands from my ears and peeked up.

"He was going to take you out to breakfast before class. He heard you screaming and ran in. Chad's not here Eve. He's far away," she muttered softly, like she was speaking to a child.

I cringed at his name. "But he was in here with me. He called me baby." I whimpered. "Just like before." My lip quivered, and a fresh round of tears pooled over.

"Eve, he's not here. Drake was trying to help you. You're confused," she told me. I wasn't confused. I knew he was here.

"He wouldn't stop touching me. I just wanted him to stop." I said softly, so softly I wasn't even sure she heard me. I sniffled as I waited for a response.

Kate sighed. She looked at me hesitantly, and I knew she was going to say something I wouldn't like. "I think you should see a doctor," she said tentatively. My eyes went wide at that.

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