Chapter 16: Finally, the Truth

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"Not Evelyn! You're awake!"

I smiled, the still-half-asleep-smile that made your whole morning fuzzy and bright. The enticing voice of Drake had the power to change my mood in a second.

"I am awake, why are you up so early?" Drake only woke up early when the house was noisy, and that was to go yell at everyone making sounds. This morning was dead quiet.

"Come outside your room and you'll see," he replied coyly, and I could practically taste his excitement, despite him trying his best to sound nonchalant.

"Okay..." I hushed, and the line clicked as he hung up. I dragged my feet to the edge of the bed and slowly stood up, my body chilling as my feet touched the cool floor. I yawned, stretching my arms high above my head as the soft sound of Christmas music tickled my ears. A light gust of cold air hit my bare legs from my air conditioner, and I quickly put on a pair of Drake's sweats.

Just forget. And enjoy Christmas.

Taking a deep breath, I quickly stepped out of my bedroom, and closed the door behind me.

"Merry Christmas!"

I spun, startled, as all my friends, my family greeted me with a chorus of cheers.

Laying my eyes on the dorm, I couldn't stop the gasp from leaving my lips. Eyes wide, I scoured every inch of the room, too much to look at to decide what to settle on.

The walls and the ceiling were covered with red and green streamers, topped off with fairly lights. A massive tree sat in the corner, decorated head-to-toe in ornaments and lights. Everyone standing in front of me wore a different Christmas sweater, clearly courtesy of Kate because she was the only one not looking annoyed to be wearing it. I did notice there was one person not in the room: Drake.

"What's all this about?" I laughed, a gleeful expression on my face.

"We just wanted to make today special for you," Kate answered softly.

"She's being modest," Matthew started. "This was all her idea."

My eyes watered at the sentiment, and I quickly wrapped my arms around Kate, my face pushed into her shoulder. "You are truly amazing."

Her arms squeezed tighter around me, and giggled into my hair. "You deserve nothing less."

"Alright alright that's enough PDA!" Matthew interjected, "I want to start eating!"

Kate laughed as she let go of our hug, and I smiled while blinking back my watery eyes. After these last five months, I still couldn't believe I'd found such incredible people to call my friends.

Everyone began walking towards the kitchen, but Kate pulled me aside before I could follow. "There's someone that wants to talk to you outside," she hinted with a suggestive wiggle of her eyebrows, before pushing me in the direction of the door.

"Okay okay I'm going!" I laughed, then was shoved out of the dorm, the door smacking closed behind me.

The air was chilled, but still warmer than winter in New York. The number of students walking around campus had dwindled over the past week, and today the grounds were completely clear of people. A slight breeze went by, and I was momentarily glad that I had put on pants this morning.

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