3. Yin Family

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Duke Yin manor.

When the gatekeeper saw Yin Hua Lei, he almost forgot to speak. Since when did the imperial daughter voluntarily visit her home?

Still, he didn't forget proper manners and went forward to greet.

Yin Hua Lei saw the gatekeeper being flustered upon seeing the eldest miss of his house and her heart went bitter. But she had no one to blame aside herself.

She only went past the gatekeeper and proceeded to walk to the front yard.

The newer servants upon seeing her wanted to stop her and lead her to the side pathway which went straight to the rear court as only men were allowed to pass through the front court.

But the old gatekeeper hurried to stop them from speaking. Who among the long-term servants didn't know their dignified eldest miss' true temper?

If she wanted to walk on the front yard, just let her be! Who were they to stop her?

Yin Hua Lei's old home was just as she remembered. Nothing changed much but her chest felt stuffy.

She was only thinking of pursuing that ninth prince over these years. If she continued on this path, she had seen the horrible effects firsthand.

Arriving at the main hall, all the servants lined up to pay respects to her.

"These servants greet the eldest miss!"

Only in this manor, her imperial daughter title seemed nonexistent. She was simply 'eldest miss'.

Yin Fang Qi heard the servants loud and clear. He felt his wife look at him and Nuo shi[1] immediately stood up.

Sure enough, Yin Hua Lei entered, followed by her two personal maids.

Every time Fang Qi saw this daughter, black lines immediately formed on his forehead. Especially now that he recalled the news of what happened yesterday.

"What fortune has befallen this fu to have your honored presence here?" Fang Qi snorted which earned a glare from his wife.

Nuo shi walked towards her only daughter but who knew that Yin Hua Lei would suddenly kneel before she even got near.

"Daughter is unfilial all these years. Asking Father to hand out punishment."

Everyone in the room drew a deep breath of horror.

Imperial daughter Gao Le was the fairy unreachable by ordinary citizens and received all kinds of worship and praises.

But of course, her family knew of her true incorrigible nature. Their family's eldest miss was proud and was used to having everything go her way. Her parents especially knew her hatred of Bai Chen Rong and how she thought that the ninth prince was hers.

All things might die but her feelings for Xia Yu Heng would certainly not and she was able to do evil deeds just for her cause.

This was the reason she chose to live in her own imperial daughter's manor. She could do everything as she pleased.

The reason why she grew distant even from her own family who disagreed with her obsession over a man.

What kind of wind blew on the capital today to make Yin Hua Lei, this extremely lofty girl, to kneel in front of her elders?

Nuo shi couldn't stand seeing her daughter like this. She was also a woman who knew just how heartbroken her daughter was to hear the news of the decree.

"Darling little Lei[2], stand up. Mother doesn't blame you. Hurry, Mother rarely sees you these days. Why pull such a long face?"

But Yin Hua Lei resolutely kneeled in the hall.

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