19. Such Heavy Taste

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Before the night fell at Feng wangfu...

A mesmerizing paradise. At the entrance, one would be greeted by gigantic stone lions plated with gold.

The plaque that announced the ownership of the whole residence, Feng Wangfu, was also latent gold. The strokes of the calligraphy were dainty and delicate but carried with it an unknown beckoning as though a secret lover's call.

Once inside, one would be further seduced by the blatant flaunting of the master's riches. Every ten steps along the winding corridors stood antique vases from Da Xia and even the dynasties before it and duly crafted sculptures of the great heroes both from epics and real life.

The gardens were decorated with rare flowers and exotic herbs. The fake mountains were humongous. And the manmade ponds teemed with golden carps.

There were pavilions made of limestone here and there to shelter one from the heat or rain.

The palace maids and eunuchs who were scattered around but still looked orderly had dashing faces and figures. Some maids played with the shuttle cock or ribbons while the eunuchs gently fed the fishes.

If one had the fortune of entering the wangfu, one would describe it as the immortals' residence for it was full of pleasant fairy laughter and playfulness. Add up the exquisiteness of the architecture, it was really a dreamy palace.

Very unlike the imperial palace where protocols and the rules were strictly administered. One wrong step and the palace mama would turn to glare or worst, hand out punishment.

Amidst the out of this world atmosphere, a shadow darted and landed in one of the gardens.

As soon as the shadow's feet touched the ground, countless blades quickly appeared and pointed at him.

Quick as lightning, the palace full of marvel and joy became a cold cage able to detain even the monstrous of beasts.

The people wearing dark clothing and surrounding the single intruder was naturally also Feng wang's people.

'Kekekeke, it seems that wang shu is really not an herbivore.' Zhao Gang thought to himself.

From the innumerable weapons surrounding Zhao Gang, a single figure emerged.

His honey skin and dark hooded eyes stood out from the rest.

"I don't know whether to admire Sir's gallant act or curse your foolishness intruding the palace alone." Shai's tone was evidently calm, like an unperturbed lake.

He didn't show on his face that he was secretly appalled to know that someone had actually successfully landed inside the prince residence and was able to escape their radar. Usually, the intruders wouldn't even have the chance to intrude, so to say. Did they become lax after returning to Da Xia? Looked like Shai had to discipline all the men later.

But the masked man was unfazed. Usually, Zhao Gang would probably answer with sarcasm or his dark humor but he instinctively knew that it wasn't time to fool around. He also didn't want to incur his mistress' wrath if he failed this mission.

Zhao Gang wordlessly raised his hand and all the surrounding hidden guards became even more vigilant, ready to attack any time.

But Shai stopped them when he saw what was dangling on the masked man's hand.

A medallion black jade shaped like a lone teardrop the size of a palm.

It was the symbol of the Yin family. Currently, only one Yin had the reason and daring to sneak inside Feng palace.

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