Chapter Fifteen

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Midoriya had snuck out at night to get some food and tents and some other things because when he comes back first thing in the morning we are doing is taking off.

Yeah I was nervous but he was trying to be a better person like he used to.

We where going to start a new life with each other some where no one knows us. The only problem is that we will need to get out of here first.

Last night though he has an insane look in his eyes when I asked him. It gave me a bit of worry but it soon faded into a bright smile. Oh my gosh my heart though I thought it was going to explode!

Goah I didn't think he could get any cuter but then he come around with him smile that literally blinded me and warmed my heart. Literally thought I was going to faint.

Anyway. I was packing a couple bags with water and some other things like torches and matches.

About an hour later he finally got back with a tent and food as well as other things. We would be on the road for a while.

I put the backpack on and so did izuku and we set of into the outside of the house.

The least expected happened though....

The house was surrounded by hero's. All might was there and he was not smiling. Some of the class was there to as well as cops and other hero's.

I looked over to midoriya he looked pissed and grabbed me around my waist while activating his quick. Shit.

I could help if only after I had done a runner he got a new quick cancellation bracelet.

He jumped up into the air and tryed to go forward but all might also followed. He ripped me out of midoriyas grasped and hit him with a Detroit smash in the face.

Midoriya went flying down to the floor where another hero captured him. He was out cold being put in some chain like gear. I consistently hit all might in the chest and told him to drop me.

When we hit the floor heet me go and I ran to midoriyas side. He looked to be in pai and as he was there unconscious. There was nothing I could do as they dragged him away. I just stood there crying as I dropped to my knees holding my hands over my mouth.


_Time skip_

They where keeping me in hospital while they where seeing if anything was done to me. I had just gone back to emotionless stare and didn't say anything.

They soon discarded after I told them everything that happened and took me to my apartment. My old home.

They told me that I only loved him to save my life and that was the reason I tryed to escape because I was scared of him.

Some part of me believed it but in my heart I know that was a lie to make me feel better about it all. Honestly I just wanted to lay down and die. I've lost so many people I love I honestly can't handle it anymore.

I walk through the building running my hand down on the counters collecting dust. You would of thought they would of at least clean it for me.

I walk to the bedroom before laying down. I missed the feeling of having izuku here. It hurt.

I ended up crying my self to sleep that night hoping that I would wake up and this would all just be a dream. Sadly it wasn't.

When I did wake up the next morning I got dressed into my uniform and walked out the door not bothering to shower or have breakfast.

I just wanted to get this day over with.
Before I left I managed to find my phone and headphones.

I put them and played some music.
Damn I have a lot of missed calls and messages. Well I'm just going to delete them all.

About 20 minutes later I had gotten to school. Argh. When I go to the classroom there where flowers and gifts on my desk. I took them off placing them on the floor in front. I sat down in my seat and stared at the empty one in front. There was no one else around so I took the time picture his smiling face staring back at me as he faced my direction.

Sadly it wasn't real and I quickly snapped out of it when bakugou walking through the door.

"about time you got your ass back to school. Everyone wouldn't stop complaining it was driving me insane. Glad to see you though." he half shouted at me as he make his way to my desk.

I looked at him with my dull e/C eyes and just stared. Silence. And that's how I wanted it.

He just tched and sat in his seat.

Not to long later more people came and welcomed me back. Iida even gave me a hug that I didn't return.

Ochaco had told me the sports festival had been held back because of everything that happened but they are going to run it in about 2 months.

A fire burned inside of me. I'm going to win the sports festival.

For him.

love me (Yandere Midoriya X Reader) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora