Chapter Thirty Two

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The hero killer stain is right there. Todoroki is throwing fire at him from the distance while stain throws a couple knife that stab into in lower are. Iida is on the ground with blood dripping out of his should while the hero native is to his right.

Midoriya is on the other side of stain looking like he is unable to move.
It doesn't look like stain or anyone has noticed my arrival so I have an advantage. I quickly make my way over to Iida holding my finger over my mouth so he know to be quiet.

He's see and his face doesn't look at all happy to see me. He was shocked and confused with a slight bit of worry

I look over his body seeing how bad the damage is and he has a stab wound on his shoulder but that's all I can see at the moment. I look over to todoroki and see stain threw knife's at him that impail him lower arm. I put a hand over my mouth to stop my gasp from being heard.

I look back a stain and notice he was staring me straight in the eyes. Fear shock and horror displayed on my face when I leap for word to me and grabbed me by my head slamming me into a wall.

I could just hear midoriya yell out my name as stain let my body drop before  cutting my arm leaving a deep gash on the underside. He then licked the blood of his sword and before I knew it I couldn't move. I was helpless.

"you shouldn't of come here girly. Now I've got to get rid of one more fake hero!" what the hell is he talking about!?

I tryed to hold back a scream as stain went to stab me in the chest but todoroki throw fire at him just in time leading him to jump back.

I sigh as I look around at was happening. Iida was yelling about something like telling us to stay out of it because it was his business. I don't care if it is him business of not I'm here to help my friends!

"don't you dare say that! This isn't something you can do on your own you know. The way your talking right now... Your not acting like a hero! A real hero would accept the help of others in order to save others! The state your in now you won't be able to do anything meaning you and Native would be in serious trouble! If we walk away I wouldn't be able to call myself a  hero! A hero's job is to save others not matter what! So don't you dare say that!" I screamed not being able to bear him saying things like that. Hero's don't talk like that.

" didn't anyone tell you you relay on your quirk to much?" stain yelled as he dodged todoroki fire and came at him full speed. He was going to cut off him arm!

"todoroki!" izuku yelled from the distance. I can't do anything except watch.

Then I saw Iida move out of the corner of my eye. He got up and run at stain full speed kicking his sword and snapping it in half with him leg. I let out a sigh of relief knowing todoroki arm will still be their tomorrow for now.

Stain then jumped into the air to get away from the both of them. Todoroki trewing more fire at him then switching to ice to keep him away but stain cut right threw it. I need to do something!

Wait I can move now!

I got up as fast as I could and ran to Izukus side making sure he wasn't wounded to badly that he could die from it. I then ripped the bottom of my left pant leg off wrapping it around him leg to stop the bleeding a bit.

"thanks y/n." he quickly said while looking at the others fighting.

"no problem." I then ran into the battle to side along side todoroki.

"need a hand?" I asked while shooting fire out of left and right hands towards stain. There is no way that he will be able to dogde three at a time.

He jumped up into the air and I threw some rocks about the size of a head at him that. One hit him in the foot and he continued on.

Iida asked todoroki to do something while stain through a knife at him which Iida blocked him his arm. Stain then threw one at his hand pinning him to the floor.

"just do it!" Iida yelled at todoroki. Todoroki then put ice on him back legs. I guess it is to cool his engines.

I look back at stain and see him right up in my face.

"y/n! Move!" Midoriya yelled. I quickly jumped away using my air to get me into the air then shot fire down at him. He didn't dodge that one so it him him in the back covering him in the flames. I then shot water at him to make sure he didn't catch on fire as I landed on my feet.

Stain jumped back and away and he had a crazy look in his eyes. He looked so intense. He then liked him sword and I couldn't move. He cut me?!?!

Stain then jumped up into the air and was heading to words me. I'm going to die!

"don't you touch her!" midoriya yelled as he used his power to speed at stain and Iida did then same. Todoroki used him ice as well, there was something coming at all directions!

Izuku punched him in the face while Iida kicked him in the rips. I swear I heard him bones breaking.

Then stain was knocked out and it was over. Todoroki ice held him in place wile he was knocked out cold. It was actually kind of scary. I let out my breath that I didn't realise I was holding and fell onto my butt to sit down. I could move again which I was thankful for.

I layed on my back and started at the stars. Smoke and Ash seen in the air just floating around. It's been a long day. Izu came up to me sitting down beside me.

"I'm don't even want to know how you got here." he said while sitti g down. "but I'm glad you did. Even though it was probably stupit and you could've gotten seriously injured!" I giggled a bit and closed my eyes before turning over and snuggling into him.
"but I'm fine now. I have you." I said while I felt myself getting really sleepy. I open my eyes and smiled at him.

He then did one of his adorable closed eyed smiles as I felt myself get taken over by sleep. Little did I know that something dark was about to happen.

love me (Yandere Midoriya X Reader) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang