Agent Chase

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Let's get one thing straight. 

There is no way I am looking forward to being primed and polished and to be surrounded in a competition I have no interest in. But I am looking forward to my mission. 

Which could either boost my career or cost me it...

What did I get myself into?


But let's backtrack a tiny bit. 

My name is Annabeth Chase. I live as a seven in the caste system. The caste system determines your rank in society, eight being the lowest and living on the streets, one being royalty. A little unfair, if you ask me. 

There is a loophole in the caste system, where if I take a test that is hard enough to even stump royalty, I can and will become a professional in whatever I was tested on. I am determined to make a life for myself. 

But for now, I have two jobs. One regular. 

The other a secret to everyone (aka- not so regular). 

The first one is I clean houses for a living. A typical job for a 7, to be bossed around all the time. The other is that I am a spy. Now, I look forward to this one more often than the other. 

The spies of Iléa do not necessarily cause havoc, nor do we hurt anyone. We are neither the southern (not too dangerous) or northern (dangerous) rebels. We are spies. Therefore, no one knows we exist other than the King and Queen. We give the crown insight on everything and everyone. This allows them to protect citizens against rebels and whatnot. 

The spies in the program are from every different caste. And though we get paid our specific medium wages, according to caste, when on a mission or day at work; casting doesn't matter as it does in the outside world. 

No one strives to be better than the other.

Oh, and one other thing. I might have superhuman abilities...I try not to allow it to be a big deal. The only people who know are my fellow spies as it helps tremendously on missions occasionally. Not too many missions have been life or death though, so I haven't used them other than closing the door when Thalia leaves it open. 

Yes, you heard me right. 

I can control things with my mind. 

Don't freak out. 


I said not to freak out. 

Now...let's begin the before-story of how I ended up in a carriage headed to the palace for the Selection to "fight" for the crown Prince Percy's hand... 

SIDE NOTE: (if you want) Read this story first, then Conquer and Choose. There is a story linked between all three. 

I have been having the greatest time writing this story and cannot wait to show you all more of it! Get ready for a wild ride...

Have an amazing day/night wherever you are! - The Fangirl 

Disclaimer: I do not PJO or HoO. I do not own these characters. I do not own The Selection Series. 

Mission Accepted: Percabeth AU (HoO)✔️Where stories live. Discover now