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I am the first to enter the conference room. Before leaving, I told Katie to inform Jason to come meet me here before then coming herself, and Thalia with Piper – now that she is finally cleared for access. The process of getting her in took too long but it is vital that I got her in with Katie.

The sky is lined with grey and ugly looking rain clouds, casting a gloomy glow on everything. I flick on the bright lights despite it being morning. Papers from yesterday still are scattered around the table, and chicken scratch writing is everywhere on the white board and black boards. I glance at the chair Percy sat in, watching us plan, the entire time. Part of me wished he would've spoke up more, but no, he just sat there and glared at the table every time I opened my mouth. My heart tugs and I ignore it.

The door opens behind me and I see Jason peek his head in. "Yeah?"

I hold up the files on Adam Barber, Hasina and Paris. These were are only three suspects. "I want to go over these one more time before the party." Sally's family are staying a week at the palace, leaving the day after this grand holiday celebration – I'm not sure, honestly. My plan is to scope out what to look for on all three of these.

"Okay, let's start with the easy one. Adam Barber," Jason walks over to our bullet points on Barber, written across a section of the black board. I remember Percy hating the fact that we suspected him and scoffed at every reason I came up with. Jason pointily looks at me, saying, "You suspected him from the beginning and I kind of did too. He has a bunch of facts pointing to him, some being personal experience with you. He has been close to the Royal family for a long time which protects him from any accusations, he travels frequently – which results being gone for certain periods of time. Each time he has been gone in the past, massive crime movements from the Northern Rebels have taken place. He is not seen much in the palace, but always in sight at parties or gatherings."

I nod, biting my lip. "So, he'll be at the party today then."

"Exactly, and your job is trail him to see where he goes near the end of the night before we leave for the rebel base." Right, I think, because I need to be present at the party the entire time before retreating to my room. This gives the rebel spy false information of what I'll be doing that night.

"Okay, so moving onto Hasina," I say.

"Hasina has just as much shady actions as Adam, and she has only been here since the Selection began. She has been absent at important times we have scoped out the rebel, or that time we snuck into that small rebel base. But she is always at the really big parties, and never is too far from Percy."

"And I am to also keep an eye on her," I say more to myself than him. Gosh, I am going to be so distracted at this party, trying to keep an eye on all three suspects. I pity anyone who tries to hold my attention and talk to me.

"Paris, on the other hand," Jason begins. "She is not shady at all and is relatively clean. However, there are was one reason that pointed to her which made us unable to cross her out."

I nod, "Right, yes, cause she has a family member who was once in the Northern Rebels before he was killed for treason."

"She actually had two rebel family members, one being her uncle, the other is a cousin," he corrects me.

"That's a really long table," I hear as the door opens further.

Thalia, Piper and Katie come in. "Sorry if we're interrupting," Katie apologizes.

"Uh, hey," Jason blushes.

"Hi," Piper ducks her head, smiling.

I tilt my head at them. "Well, thank you Jason for going over it all with me, I needed that refresher."

Mission Accepted: Percabeth AU (HoO)✔️Where stories live. Discover now