35| A Completely Useless Fling

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35| A Completely Useless Fling

    BY the time Tuesday rolled around, I kind of started to get a bit nervous for dinner with Logan and her parents

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    BY the time Tuesday rolled around, I kind of started to get a bit nervous for dinner with Logan and her parents. I had been so calm and collected about the ordeal up until this morning. I woke up to what seemed like a billion texts from Logan, telling me about how her parents were bombarding her with questions and acting incredibly weird. I knew that her parents had to be crazy to a certain extent, but I didn't want to arrive at dinner with the notion that they were one hundred percent insane.

    It was also crazy to me that I was having dinner with her parents tonight, meeting them for the first time, and Logan and I hadn't exactly made things between us official. Sure, we were seeing each other behind everyone's backs, but that was just the thing. No one knew we were together. So it felt weird that I was going to be meeting her parents when we hadn't even declared what we were. Could I even say that we were dating if Logan and I hadn't even talked about whether we were boyfriend and girlfriend or not?

    "Dude," Troy said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I looked over towards Troy, who was sitting directly beside Zane. Zane, him, and I were all sitting in the library during our off period, since I had promised Troy I would help him study. Zane joined in, too, since he was also needing some extra help.

"You're basically not even here," he said. "It's like you're in another universe. You thinking about something?"

"Nothing important," I lied. "Sorry."

"You know..." Zane started, leaning in over the table and lowering his voice, "...if you're having girl troubles, we're here to listen."

I gulped. "How could you tell I was having girl troubles?"

Zane shrugged. "I'm basically an expert on the subject, Noah," he said, once again leaning back in his chair. "You've been acting all different lately, and not drastically different, but, you know? The kind of different that leads me to believe that you've been seeing someone."

Dammit. "Was it that obvious?"

"Yes," Troy chimed in. "It's definitely obvious."

"You can tell us who it is, too," Zane added. "Clearly you've been keeping it on the DL, cause I have legit no idea who it could be. Do we know her?"

"I, uh..." I paused, thinking of what to say. I couldn't tell them about Logan yet, we hadn't talked about it. And who was I to make that decision when I didn't even really know what we were? "You kind of know her, but we're keeping it to ourselves for now. I'm uh... I'm not really sure where we stand."

"You're not sure where you stand with this girl? What does that mean?" Troy asked.

"It's just complicated, okay?" I said. "Let's not talk about it, alright? Let's just focus on studying."

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