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It's officially been a week since I started going to Fayetteville High, and to be honest it's actually been one of the best first weeks of school I've ever had. Especially considering it's the first time I've had a large group of friends on the first day, though it caught me by surprise by exactly who I became friends with.

I figured out pretty quickly the first day that Alex and her friends are the top dogs at this school, by far the most respected if not the most popular. I've seen how everyone stares at them as they walk around the school, looks of awe and even intimidation...moving out of their way. I once asked Alex about it, and she explained that her family is well known, and she has gotten in a few fights with some senior football players as a freshman that earned her some serious respect. Her friends families are well known too...so whenever they hang out together they tend to get a lot of attention.

It kind of makes me wonder though, why would they want to hang out with me? Sure I'm the new girl and all, but other than that I'm not particularly special...I mean, my Mama is a great lawyer, but we're not particularly well known.


I jump out of my reverie, looking up from my locker to see Alex walking towards me, a wide grin on her face. She's wearing a black cropped t-shirt that exposes a bit of her stomach, a denim vest over it. Her black skinny jeans have rips in the front, and her red Vans match her hair perfectly...the long part of it up in a dragon braid.

I admire her style, rebellious but stylish.

"Good morning Alex." I reply, the routine rush of blood to my cheeks happening once again. I don't know why I blush so much around her...but she seems to find it amusing.

"Morning, you're here early today. Usually I beat you here." She says as she unlocks her locker and deposits her lunchbox inside.

"Yeah, my Mom had to go into work earlier this morning, so I got dropped off earlier."

"I see, is it okay to ask what she does?"

"She's a lawyer, a defense attorney more specifically."

"Wow, that's really cool! What does your dad do?"

I bite my lip, preparing myself for her reaction to my answer.

"I technically don't have a dad..." I murmur, and she raises an eyebrow curiously.

"You don't?"

"No...I have two moms..." I explain, and she blinks a couple of times before breaking out in a wide grin.

"That's pretty cool!"

"Really?" I reply, a bit surprised.

"Yeah, I actually have two dads, so I get it." She explains, and I sigh in relief.

"I'm glad...the last person I told that was far less...understanding." I mumble, recalling that moment clearly. That person had been someone I considered a close friend...they stopped talking to me after I told them that.

"Well then, that person is an idiot. There isn't anything wrong with having two parents of the same gender, it certainly doesn't change the fact that we both turned out great."

"Thanks, it's nice to find someone who understands."

She smiles broadly, leaning against her locker as she faces me.

"Me too. So, what does your other mom do?"

"She works at the nearby hospital as a Doctor." I answer, and her eyes sparkle with recognition.

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