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"Alex! Aren't you supposed to be leaving soon?!" Dad calls up to me, and I sigh from my place in front of the mirror.

"I'm almost done!"

I take one last look in the mirror, rolling up the sleeves of my red flannel shirt to my elbows and adjust the hem of my white tank top underneath. Stuffing my phone into the pocket of my black skinny jeans, I slip on my black vans before grabbing my keys and wallet and heading out of my room.

It's finally Wednesday, and I'm pretty anxious about having dinner with Cece's parents. I've been thinking about it all day at school, to the point where I even changed shirts after I came home...a few times. I don't just want to look good for Cece, I want to make a good first impression with her parents...

Once I reach the bottom of the stairs I see Archie leaning over the back of the couch, playing his 3DS again as he hangs his arms and head down. I don't know how he's comfortable in that position, especially for long periods of time, he's a really weird kid.

"Don't eat all their food sis." He mumbles, not even bothering to look up. I roll my eyes and ruffle his hair, knowing he doesn't like it.

"Stuff it twerp." I mutter, chuckling when he glares at me irritably...no doubt trying to intimidate me.

"So frightened little brother."

"You should be." He grumbles before returning to his game, and I continue on towards the front door so I can leave.

"I'm out Dad!" I yell as I reach for the doorknob, only to pause as I hear the heavy thumping of feet coming down the stairs.

"Wait a minute kiddo, we want to give you something before you go!" Dad exclaims, and I turn around to see Papa right on his heels.

"What is it?" I question, raising an eyebrow. I really need to go, I don't want to be late.

"Me and your Dad talked it over, and we decided to give you this a bit early." Papa says as Dad hands me something, and I hold out my hand so he drop it into my open palm. As he draws his hand back, my eyes widen in surprise as I see what he gave me.

 As he draws his hand back, my eyes widen in surprise as I see what he gave me

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"Is this...is this my Alpha Pendant?" I ask, a bit shocked. Dad places his hand on my shoulder, a broad smile on his face.

"The official ceremony will still happen after graduation, but until then you can wear this to symbolize your soon succession to Alpha Female of the Shadow Stalker pack."

I smile, happily putting the necklace around my neck. I then give each of them a tight hug, unable to contain my enthusiasm. In our pack, the Alpha pendant is custom made for each individual Alpha, while the Luna pendant is passed down to the next acting Luna. My Dads picked out mine perfectly.

Alpha FemaleWhere stories live. Discover now