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The End Authors Note/Q&A

34.8K 379 792

Authors note...

Hey everyone! First off I just wanna say thank you sooooo much for reading this story, it seriously means so much to me. The comments you guys leave literally make my day and I'm so excited to show you guys where it's going next.

This story is a huge accomplishment for me, considering the highest reads I reached on my other account was around 17k, which I never really expected to pass up, yet here we are at 98k atm. The second reason this feels so huge to me is because I've never finished a novel that I've written, like ever. I've written short stories and finished them, but never something that's nearly 70,000 words.

I literally would not have been able to do this without you guys, seriously. Maybe I wouldn't have even finished it. Every time I got a new comment I was motivated to write more, hence there sometimes being 3 updates in a single day lmao. All I do is write the story, you guys do the rest, so thank you so much for what you guys did with all the comments, votes, and reads. Maybe 100k isn't that much to some people, but it feels amazing (IK IK I'm still 2k off) and I can't thank you guys enough.

So again, thank you all times a million, I love you all so much, you guys are the best and the things you say are so sweet!❤️


I thought it might be kinda fun to do a little Q&A chapter. I can ask you guys a few questions just to get some data for the sequel and stuff, and you guys can ask anything you've been wondering, been curious about, or maybe even confused on or something lol. It can literally be anything, even about me, the author lmao. Aaaaand go! Lmao

Here are the questions I'd like to ask you guys, this may get longer...

A few people asked if I had any other social media platforms I could post things like when I update on, so I made a twitter page... could be interesting or totally lame, but go check it out lol.  Username is novelistwannabe

Who was your favorite character?

•Who was your least favorite character?

•Favorite chapter? (You can just describe it if you don't remember the chapter # lol)

•Were the authors notes at the end too much?

•How'd you find Night Terrors?

•Anything you wish would have happened?

•Anything you wish wouldn't have happened?

•Would you consider yourself a silent reader?

•Do you plan on reading the sequel?

•Anything unbearably unrealistic happen in this story?

•Anything you want to ask?

•Anything you got confused about?

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