How Do You Solve a Problem like a Howell?

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Somewhere in the Pacific, 1965

It was a day like any other for the 7 stranded castaways on Gilligan's Island, expect it wasn't. Sure, the birds were chirping, the weather was great, and nothing could bring them down....except another Howell fiasco.

Everything had been fine until the most recent Howell fight affected not just the only married couple on the island, but their 5 other friends as well. Most of the Howell fights were short lived and they easily made up, but this fight had really taken the cake.

The others had been keeping track of how long the most recent quarrel was happening, and so far this one was coming up on a month, but like with every Howell argument- this one was petty and it escalated quickly due to the sensitivity of Mrs. Howell and the hot temper of Mr. Howell. The two had once again divided up all of their personal effects right down to the last dollar and taken up residence in their fellow castaway's huts.

Thurston Howell sought refuge with Gilligan and the Captain, planting his matched luggage right in the middle of the hut with a laundry list of tasks and little "to do's", and sat back enjoying a mixed drink in the presence of his beloved bear, Teddy, whilst the men got to work.

The men thought they had it bad until the women began to complain. Ginger and MaryAnn always braced themselves for a Howell argument by adjusting their sleeping arrangements and setting aside some hut space for Lovey and her belongings.

However, these arrangements usually only lasted one to two days, but 3 weeks had passed without resolution and it was beginning to take its toll.

One afternoon, everyone was pretty much on their own. The Skipper was just coming back from an afternoon stroll and saw the Professor sitting at the table and decided to approach him to see if they could do something to end this Howell feud once and for all before it drove them all to insanity.

The Skipper sat at the picnic table letting out a long sigh.

" Professor, we've tried everything. I don't know what else we can do. They simply refuse to get back together." The Skipper said as he took a seat at the table and peeling a banana.

" Just give it time, I'm sure they will both be back together soon. After all, this isn't the first Howell fight we've endured." the Professor said with a chuckle as he sipped his coconut milk.

A Howell argument wasn't a rare occurrence....

" I guess you're right- but it's just a matter of when. Howell is driving me crazy with his constant demands. The worst part is hearing him not talk about his wife." the captain said sarcastically earning a chuckle from across the table.

MaryAnn and Ginger appeared with another tray of uneaten food, from Mrs. Howell. She had taken up residence in their hut and refused to come out and be around "that man" as she referred to her husband.

Lovey Howell could put up a good fight and wouldn't back down. She was stubborn and was trying her hardest to put Thurston out of her mind, but it was harder than she thought which is why she never left the hut. The girls were getting really tired of their current situation.

Ginger sat at the table and voiced her frustrations as MaryAnn sat down to join her.

" It's been 3 weeks- neither one of them is budging. Professor we have to do something to help them." the movie star pleaded.

" Oh I just can't stand to see them fight any longer. Mr. Howell needs to apologize so we can have our hut back!" MaryAnn vented.

" The Skipper and I have been discussing a few ideas all morning. The last time this happened wasn't nearly as bad as this I'm afraid. We just have to figure out how to get those two back together...but how?"


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