Chapter 1

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the four of us were sitting in a booth inside the dingo in the far corner so it could fit us all. we all had milkshakes but me and asha had vanilla, johnny strawberry, and pony and taylor both had chocolate. we were just sharing a big basket of fries for lunch because we werent super hungry but we still wanted to eat. "so hows your summers been guys?" pony asked. "mines been pretty fun especially with you guys! im so sad its ending soon but i hope we all get classes together!" i told them. "yeah me too" johnny said. i was just sipping on my lil milkshake and i look up and see everyones faces are white and they are all staring at the door. i look over and see bob with his group of soc friends standing at the door staring at us. "pretend you dont notice them." asha mumbled under her breath. that wasnt enough. soon enough bob started walking over to our table. "what can i help you with bob?" i asked. "hey why dont you ladies ditch these dirty greasers and come with us?" "you realise we are greasers too right?" he looks annoyed with my remark but smirked anyway. "hot greasers." i saw johnny and ponys faces turn bright red, haha probably redder than my cherry stem. they both got up and bob just stared at them. "what are ya gonna do little greasers?" "this." and johnny punched him square in the nose. "johnny!" i said as i got up out of the booth. "bob punched him back and they started punching and hitting each other on the floor. i tried to stop them but one of the socs grabbed my arms and held me back. taylor tried to get up to help me but another soc grabbed her arms too and man, did that make pony mad. pony charged at the soc and tackled him and soon enough they were having a mini rumble between the socs and johnny and pony. i just started crying and crying, im not sure why. i couldnt stop crying. johnny looked terrible he was bruised and had a bloody nose and a few cuts. "lets go." bob said and walked out of the dingo with his friends. the soc holding me let go of my arms and pushed my on the ground which made me hit my head on the ground. "ow.." it took me a minute to get back to reality but then i quickly realised that johnny was beat up "oh my god johnny!" i said crawling over to him "im fine.. just go get darry" then i ran out of the dingo towards the curtis house.

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