Chapter 30 - Motel California

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Opening my eyes after my arm is shaken softly, I lift my head off of Stiles' shoulder noticing his soft smile before I sheepishly look out the window I used him as a human pillow for who knows how long

I take in the darkness of the night outside of the windows and the bus pulling off the road into the parking lot of one of those Motels.

The Motel Glen Capri sounds like an alright name but it definitely gives off the this is where you go to clean up after a murder type of vibe.

The bus comes to a stop and after getting a head count Coach heads for the door and mutters over his shoulder "Stay here while I get the rooms sorted."

We all stand from our seats and stretch before grabbing our bags to wait for him to come back.

Zoning out the window across the aisle to our right towards the motel, I feel a jab in my side "You okay?"

I shake my head and look to my left, connecting my eyes with Stiles' as I whisper "I don't like this place."

Understanding crosses his face before he grimaces as he also looks out the window "It is pretty creepy."

Before I can say it's more a feeling of complete dread versus just how the place looks, Coach comes back towards the bus and waves his arm for us to unload outside.

We wait for everyone towards the front half of the bus to deboard before we make our way to the front, down the steps, and through the group waiting outside.

Taking in the full scene of the rundown building, the feeling that overwhelms my entire body is what I imagine death to feel like. I feel cold and immense sadness something terrible happened here

Scott comes to a stop next to me and I see him shrug out of the corner of my eye "I've seen worse" true I'm sure the Bates Motel was worse

Stiles stops on my other side and leans forward to talk across me towards him "Where have you seen worse?"

Coach blows his godforsaken whistle again making me jump and the dread feeling slowly fades "Listen up– the meet's been pushed till tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and least amount of good judgment when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves. You'll be pairing up– choose wisely."

He holds out the handful of room keys, shaking them once before everyone starts grabbing a key as he continues "And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants. Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves!"

I chuckle towards him as I grab a key and take a few steps away to wait for Allison and Lydia.

Stiles grabs a key from Coach and walks over with Scott, showing me their 213 key before leaning closer to me "Drop your bag and come to our room alone please, I need to talk to you guys" he looks between Scott and I.

I offer a smirk "Thinking about your suspects for who the Darach is while I was asleep, Sherlock?"

He scoffs, setting his hands on his hips "Of course, Watson."

Scott and I share a chuckle before I offer him a nod "Give me five minutes and I'll be there."

Scott looks back towards Allison and Lydia who are making their way closer to us. He smiles softly, setting his hand on my shoulder and offers a reassuring squeeze before following Stiles to their room.

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