Chapter 58 - Monstrous

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Grabbing his shirt from the bed in the hospital room mom was checking us over in, Stiles quickly makes his way over to me.

He sets his hand around my elbow and guides me to the door as he mumbles over his shoulder to mom "I'm completely and totally fine."

Mom steps into the open doorway quickly, holding her hands up to him and stopping his steps "Uh-uh-uh. You completely and totally have a concussion, Stiles. Lie back down. The doctor said you're not leaving without a CT scan."

Stiles raises his brows to quip back softly "We still haven't paid for the last one."

He tries to walk past mom again and she again stops him "Oh, no, no, no. Meredith is at the station. Your dad said it could take some time but he will get her to talk. Even if I let you go, what would you do?"

I scrunch my nose up in a soft grimace as I make a face like she has a point when he looks over to me.

A look of betrayal flashes over his face before rolling his eyes because he knows we're right and he looks back over to mom with a sigh "Okay, fine."

He sets his hand on my waist as he walks past me and heads back over to the bed to sit down.

Clearing his throat softly, he looks over his shoulder towards mom again "Can you do me one little favor?"

Mom sets her hands on the end of the bed and answers without missing a beat "Anything"

"Can you get me a tape player?" 

"Like cassettes?" Mom clarifies as she looks between us and Stiles makes a face as he looks to her "Yes– tapes."

I snort at the face mom makes before she smiles and heads towards the door "Yeah, I'll see what I can do."

Stiles turns to face the door more, stopping her with his words "Okay, tapes, though, please"

Again mom looks to me, making a face that I try not to laugh at as she smiles back to him to correct "Cassettes"

She closes the door and Stiles raises his hand out to the side, "What are we not seeing eye to eye on?"

I chuckle and walk over to stand in between his legs even with him sitting, my eyes still only line up to his nose

I set my hands on his shoulders while he grips my hips and pulls me closer to him, until my legs are resting against the bed and our chests are brushing together.

I smile towards him and set my palm on his cheek "Cassette tape is the proper name of what mom grew up listening to and what's currently in your pocket over there,"

Leaning into my touch he shrugs before mumbling like we're being ridiculous "That's what I said..."

Chuckling softly I move my thumb against his skin "I know."

I feel him move his hands from my hips to wrap around my lower back in a tight hug and I wrap mine behind his neck, resting my chin on my arms as I savor the moment of just being with him in the quiet of the room.

After a few minutes I break the silence with a small sigh "Let me call your dad and see if they've had any luck with Meredith talking."

Stiles nods before moving one hand to slide down my back to grab my phone out of the back pocket of my jeans and smirks up to me as he hands it over.

I chuckle as I bring up my call history and shake my head softly "Very smooth ass grab there, Stilinski."

Stiles shrugs and offers a mock look of innocence that I see right through as he rests his hands back on my hips, pulling me closer to him "I've no idea what you're going on about McCall, had to make sure I had the right pocket."

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