Review #2: My Crappy Poetry

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Terrible_Writer_0101 these are all suggestions or compliments. I hope you appreciate and are content with my feedback.

Chapter 1: So I don't know if it's just my Wattpad acting up but the t in not should be bolded too. I love the philosophical view of this poem. I really enjoyed this poem.

Chapter 2: So my interpretation of this is that since you can actually FEEL something, that's good because that means you are actually living your life. I like the meaning behind this. It flows very well. That's all I have to say.

Chapter 3: If I understand this one correctly, this is about how life leads up to a terrible end. This one made me feel anxious. This one flowed really well. The separation of the lines was well chosen. Good job.

Chapter 4: The rhyme was fantastic in this one. Once again, the line separation is great. I really loved the meaning of this one.

Chapter 5: Once again, the rhyme is very good. The rhythmic pattern is also great. I don't understand this one as much. I kinda can get it but at the same time I'm a little frazzled. It sounds and looks beautiful though.

Chapter 6: This one I can relate to on many levels. Rhyme is great.

Chapter 7: Now this one had a great meaning of being trapped in whatever situation that can be pictured with it. I love that you added that you need courage to get out of that situation.

Chapter 8: Who's should be changed to whose. This poem was great. I don't really have much to say.

Chapter 9: So I love using snakes in my poetry and so I absolutely loved this poem. Although the ending was quite an abrupt change from the beginning of the poem. I'm not quite sure where that was going.

Chapter 10: So I understood this poem quite well. I actually quite enjoyed this poem. The ABAB rhyming was wonderful. I loved the meaning behind this poem.

Chapter 11: Can you explain the true meaning behind this one? I feel like I'm only scratching the surface with this one. This poem seems really dark.

Chapter 12: Don't forget a space between swear and this.

Chapter 13: This... this right here is great. I loved it. It's just like a little victory march lol.

Chapter 14: Now I used to be terrified of the dark. I thought I'd see figures reaching out for me in the dark so I always slept with a light on. I actually think this is one of my favorite poems of yours. It's very calming and I wished somebody would have told me that when I was little. I love how you mention that there might be ghosts and monsters, but you're always there holding them close. That's very comforting.

Chapter 15: So this poem is about the brink of death and it's like falling asleep..?  I feel like I'm terrible at interpreting your poetry. Explain this one to me as well. The poem is very interesting though.

Chapter 16: OK this one is my favorite. Just beautiful.

Chapter 17: Is there supposed to be two haves in a row? Beautiful once again. I love the metaphor of chains and darkness.

Chapter 18: The entire philosophy behind the poem is great. Very important lesson in life. Money does not mean everything and people need to learn that. Amazing.

Chapter 19: I don't understand this line

Chapter 20: The first your in the last line should be you're

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Chapter 20: The first your in the last line should be you're. Beautiful meaning behind this poem. I like the comfort that you offer the reader. It's as if you are giving them a hug. It's great.

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