Chapter 7: Hunted

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Thalia stride forward with ease, dodging trees with great skill, her steps as silent and graceful as Percy's. Behind her were 10 other Assassins, and 40 mercenaries.

The mercenaries were mostly humans who were once in the military, possessing enough skill to get noticed by the dark haired goddess. Some mercenaries were also veteran demigods who have left camp and are on their own trying to make a living as mercenaries.

With a distinct hand signal, the group split up into two groups, one led by 5 Assassins, the other led by the rest of the Assassins and Thalia herself. The mercenaries didn't have a problem with that since the pay they will receive will set them up for life.

Many of them afraid of the Assassins, but none more than the demigods, whom were shaking in fear since they could sense the shear dark power that radiated out of the Assassins, marking them as Gods of great power. They didn't how their fear however, being veterans of war, and them being accustomed to fighting being more powerful than them.

Another hand signal from Thalia made the Assassins in her group disappear in the shadows and appear on the treetops jumping from tree to tree in absolute silence, their figures covered in shadows making them invisible to all but Thalia.

A few dozen meters ahead of them, the Hunters of Artemis sat around a fire laughing and telling tales of their latest kills, some of them being males that looked at them the wrong way.

Thalia and her small army of mercenaries and Assassins had long since started walking in total silence, sneaking from one shadow to another. The second group had split off to circle around the Hunters Camp and attack from behind.

They all then split again into teams of two and spread out around the camp in order to surround the entire camp, leaving zero chances of any Hunters to escape the soon to be massacre.

Once Thalia received the signal that they were all ready, she took a deep breath and nodded.

'All teams, open fire' Thalia whispered in a shadowy voice.

In an instant, the area lit up with fire as the mercenaries hefted their heavy assault rifles and opened fire upon the rather large group of female Hunters while the Assassins, still cloaked in shadows, standing on tree branches, silently tossed Greek Fire grenades that exploded with vicious power before quickly drawing their bows and firing dark arrows into the hunters midst.

Thalia herself shot arrow after arrow at the Hunters, girls she once called sisters. She didn't hesitate to kill them however, remembering what they did to Percy, the man she loved as a brother. Remembering only brought her anger, which infused into the arrows, lightning shooting off from the tips of her arrows.

The Hunters had been caught completely off guard, resulting in the death's of nearly half of the large group of Hunters. However, instead of running, the hunters stood their ground, returning fire with their own bows.

Thalia silently chuckled. 'They sure have gotten more arrogant since I last saw them' Thalia mused as another of her lightning infused arrows pierced the heart of yet another Hunter. Amidst the heart of chaos, the dark haired woman found an old friend of hers fighting off two mercs.

Thalia smiled. 'Well if it isn't the Lieutenant, Phoebe' Thalia chuckled internally.

Thalia as quickly and stealthily as any Assassin, turned her bow towards Phoebe, sparks of lightning shooting off the arrow's tip in response to Thalia's growing anger. 'Time to die' She whispered before letting the arrow fly across the distance between Thalia and Phoebe.

The arrow flew fast and true before, just as it was about to hit its target, a silver arrow knocked it out of the air. Sighing, Thalia turned to find the Silver-eyed Goddess in her silver Hunters outfit.

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