Chapter Five

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"HI. I'M LEA Carmen Ocampo, I'm the Chief Financial Officer here at Meadwest International Commercial Bank. What can I do for you?"

He didn't speak. He just stared at her. The last time they met, which was yesterday, he hasn't had the chance to stare at her this long. The first time they met, which was also yesterday, she was disoriented, however, today, she looks...well, very focused.

He heard her cleared her throat but he continued staring. Lea is standing in front of him with her angelic glory. Her hair, once again, is pulled up in a tight bun. Same outfit from yesterday, same shoes, different aura. He looked at her face. When will I see a smile on those lips? His gaze went lower. His heterosexual eyes never let the opportunity pass to notice her impressive rack, still clad in a tight blouse under a grandma suit. It's obvious now that he's attracted to her and he's doing an extra job ignoring his complaining libido.

"I believe you are sitting on my chair Mr... Mr. Zamora." She said through her gritted teeth, still standing stiffly before his eyes.

He leaned back on the chair more comfortably and crossed his legs, "I am very well aware of that Ms. Lea Carmen Ocampo".

He's incredibly amused when he noticed her brow twitched. So he is now getting on her nerves.

She nods as if understanding that Aga is never gonna get his ass off her chair. She walks across the room and drags an ordinary office chair towards her table. She positioned it in front of him, adjusted its height, and have herself seated. She placed both of her hands on the table, no ring, no accessories, not even a wristwatch. They were delicate, feminine hands, bare and void of nail polish. She looked him straight in the eyes.

"Shall we begin, Mr. Zamora?" Lea said, her voice sounding more composed and collected compared to their yesterday's encounter.

Oh, that confidence. Let's see, I will wear that confidence off your pretty face. She smells like a rose and he knows that the scent will leave sweetness in his nose. Now that they're face to face, he can clearly see the details of her face. Her doe eyes staring right at him, her eyebrows in fine straight lines, her fluffy pink cheeks, her plump kissable lips, and her cute nose. Her full lips had just a bit of pale pink gloss on them that will surely fade once kissed right off. Nothing was left unnoticed by Aga's scrutinization. He absolutely can't take his eyes off her.

He sat straighter this time, leaving the comfort of her chair's backrest. Everything in her office screams comfort and ease, opposite to her rigid facade. Although her office is three times smaller than his, he still finds it smart-looking. He realized, as his observation goes deeper, that there isn't any single clock in her office. How does this woman tell time?

He looked at her again, dragging his eyes away from the interesting interior design. "How are your feet?" He heard himself say.

She raised a brow, "What about my feet?" She answered calmly.

Aga shrugged. "Well, I just figured you like running, you know..." He gave her a knowing look.

Lea's eyes widen which gives Aga the satisfaction he needed. Gotcha! Caught you off guard Miss Prim and Proper.

Aga's triumph was short-lived as Lea found composure. She smiled, of course, an insincere one.

"My feet are okay and yes, I run. I had a good run yesterday, never caught, never captured." Lea said, her eyes twinkling knowing that she slightly bat his ego.

She's not quite timid as he first thought. Very very different from the stupid girl he met yesterday, the girl who was about to run in the rain, the girl who forgot to buckle herself, the girl who pretended to be sick and ran from his car- and he will never forget that one. She's in her territory and she's making it known. Two things he hates about career women are their self-assuredness and their strong demeanor. Their world revolves around their career. They think that they are fully independent and are not in need of anyone's help. Very different from the boob-flashing bimbos he used to sleep with, it's either they need his money or his body.

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