xii. carbon

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let me be original - 
let me show the world what i am made of.
I was told living
was all about not becoming
some print out that came out 
of the copy machine 
but some limited edition
with a copywrite stamp 
on the backside.

my brain is not some archetype
for you to fill the spaces of.
i'm not some idea bank you can
go to and pick out of when you're feeling
ų̠̈̔ n͍̈̇͜ i̘̺̐̅ n̗̜̽̓ s̼̜͠͠ p͎̱͂͆ ĭ̼̠̋ ȓ̺͕̕ e̢͙͐̎ d͎̯̀͐ 

i do not crave for fads but indivduality
that you destroy within the hours of release;
not even letting the pot simmer before 
you douse it in flames. 
my innovation nothing but a trend 
no one knows the origins of.

i am not some carbon copy
so stop making me into one. 

 - - 
heres a poem made from a rant 

Rust and GrindDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora