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Just a btw, I do swear in this story :)

"Hey, where's- did you take my... damn it...." I snapped my fingers rapidly. "What's the word? Did you take my sunglasses? I can't find them anywhere." I finally asked looking up from my laptop. My brother has taken them and before he'd do it again.

Jordan paused before answering, "Five bucks say I can find them."

"You didn't answer the question. For all I know, you could pull them out of your pocket and say here I found them." I pointed out recalling previous cases like this. He once took my reading glasses and got ten bucks out of me.

"I don't have them."

"Okay, five bucks." I sighed. I have looked everywhere. I give up.

He scratched at his brown hair and looked around our messy room.

I hope he doesn't find them. I really want to keep my five dollars. It isn't much but if I keep my five then I have ten I've been bugging either Amara or Alia to take me shopping.

He dug around my nightstand, where I had already checked and popped his head back up with my sunglasses on.

"Five dollaroonies please." He held his hand out giddily.

"You suck," I said with a scowl. I threw open my nightstand drawer and slapped the bill in his hand. "You better at least get a pizza for us to split with that."
I let out a sigh and flopped back onto my soft sheets. "I swear I looked there." I murmured.

"Didn't look hard enough." He said and plopped himself down on his bed.

After a while, my eyes hurt from reading too much. I folded the thin corner of my page and set the book down at my side.

"Did you ever ask Amara if she would get us out this weekend?" I asked watching the fan blades spin around.

"Uh yeah she said it's fine but we have to leave late. She's on night shifts." He said absently. I lifted my head and found him studying something.

"Why are you studying?"

"It's Italian and I'm not fluent."

I rolled my eyes. So what if he isn't fluent in a language he won't use unless he travels. I mean he already speaks fluent English, Spanish, and a good bit of German. Plus ASL. Why does he need to learn Italian?

/ (about three hours later)

"Where's Jordan?" The driver groaned as I climbed into the back seat of the tiny car.

"He's coming," I replied shortly.

"Why isn't he with you now?"

"He- tripped... on a rock."

The driver rolled his eyes but didn't reply.
"Jace said your mission was going to be quick."

"What do you have somewhere else to be?Because by all means, we can walk."

Our 'missions' were simple...ish. We worked for an organization called Thorns.

Well. We wouldn't for long. We had a plan to leave.

We fought for what was right, justice if you will, but we did it against the law. The cops wanted us dead, but in my eyes, we were doing them a favor.

We were assigned to track people down and bring them into custody, but not to the cops. We apparently had our own jail somewhere... I'd never been there. I don't know why we didn't turn people in, but we were doing the right thing.

Every Rose has its ThornOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora