Chapter Four: Showing Out

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Your POV

As Emmett and I walk through the hall, we continue to receive stares, but at this point I'm kind of used to it already.

We walk into our class, English, and everyone's eyes turn to me. The teacher looks up from her desk and sends me a smile.

"You must be Miss Swan. I'm Mrs. Bates. I'm sure Emmett will show you to your seat."

I smile at her warmly before following Emmett to a table in the back corner of the room.

As I sit down I lean over to him so only he can hear me.

"Even the teachers know I'm hanging out with you?"

"Small town, remember? Plus, just about everyone saw you walk in with us this morning. Don't be so surprised that people are catching on."

I roll my eyes and lean back in my seat. Emmett and I just talk the whole period since all our teacher makes us do is fill out a card about ourselves. I'm a little relieved when the bell rings.

"So, where to now?" I ask grabbing my purse and walking to the door.

"Biology. Mr. Cooper. Right this way." Emmett starts walking through the overly crowded hallway. I hold onto his arm so I don't lose him in the crowd.

It would be so much easier if I could just shove these people out of the way.

Once we're outside of the classroom I let go of his arm. He puts his hand on my lower back and leans down to my ear.

"Stay on his good side. Compliment his shirt. He'll make your life living hell if you don't."

"Got it."

Emmett walks in and waves at Mr. Cooper.

"Ah, Emmett, how's my favorite student doing?"

"I'm great Mr. Cooper. I actually brought the new student with me." He gestures his hand towards me as I walk into the classroom.

I walk up to his desk and hold my hand out for him to shake. "Hi Mr. Cooper. I'm (Y/n) Swan. It's nice to meet you and I love your shirt."

He puts a hand on his chest. "What? This old thing? Oh it's nothing." He waves his hands around before continuing. "You must be the Chief's daughter. I've heard great things about you. Have a seat wherever you'd like."

I turn to Emmett and he shoots me a wink. I follow him, once again, to the back corner of the room.

"Is this your signature spot in every classroom?"

"Pretty much. No one bothers me when I'm back here."

I roll my eyes and set my purse down. Me and Emmett start talking about random things again, just killing time until class ends.

"So, I have a question."


"Is everyone here scared of you guys or something? Like literally no one has came up to talk to you or anything besides the teachers."

Emmet laughs and rolls his eyes.

"Intimidated is a better word. They think we're 'perfection' so they decide to keep they're distance. But people are scared of me. They're terrified that if they say one wrong thing, I'll beat them up."

"Oh. I see. That's a shame."

The bell rings and Emmett walks me out of the classroom to go find Jasper. He meets us about halfway to my next class and smiles at me.

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