Chapter Fifteen: Acceptance

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Your POV

The rest of the week went by surprisingly fast. Edward finally started coming around me. He apologized for being so rude but explained that he was just worried and scared. Which is understandable.

Because so am I.

I mean, if the Volturi ever find out about me, I would be their new little prisoner. It was quite and unsettling thought and one we chose to avoid discussing as much as possible.

Jake took me to La Push on a "date". We just went cliff diving, which is such a thrill if you're into that sort of thing.

The boys have all started becoming more possessive over the past week. It's like a switch was flipped inside of them. They would growl or hiss at each other if they came too close to me, and step in front of me when one of the others was trying to start a conversation.

I asked Carlisle if it could possibly have been because I had sung to them, but he assured me it was simply their feelings strengthening mixed with the fear of something happening to me.

I was sitting in the passenger seat of Jake's truck. He was driving me home from my week at the Cullen's. Charlie made me promise him to be back no later than 10 since I would have school the next day. The past week had given me time to think about everything that was going on.

Me slowly phasing out of being a newborn.

My new found "gift" that I have.

And most importantly, the boys.

I'm killing them. I'm slowly, internally killing them. It isn't fair to them or me to keep stringing them all along like this. I suppose I'm being rather selfish. Using their love for me as a way to cope with the fear of losing any one of them. I was cruel for doing this. I love those four boys with all my heart. But something needed to be done.

"We're here."

I snapped my head up to find that we were sitting in my driveway. I let out a defeated sigh and grabbed the bag that was sitting in the floor by my feet.

I guess that plan was just going to have to wait.

I placed my hand on the truck handle and opened it. While I slid out of the truck I gave a tiny wave to Jake, who had worry sketched in his features. I brushed it off and walked towards my front door.

"(Y/n), can I talk to you?" Jake asked, climbing out of his truck.

As I stepped onto the porch, I turned to face Jake. He was nervously rubbing the back of his neck as he walked closer to me.

"Is everything alright?" I asked, a little worried by his outward appearance.

"Yeah, um, it's just that.. ever since we discovered your gift you've been a little-"

He paused and looked up to me. I watched as his eyes stared into mine while he searched for the right word.

"Distant," he said sadly.

I didn't realize he had noticed. If he noticed then the other boys sure did too. I thought I was hiding everything so well. I didn't think I was so easy to read.

"Oh, well I didn't mean to be. I'll be better about that."

I flashed him a smile and turned towards my door. As I turned the knob, burning arms wrapped around my waist.

"I'm always here for you. Okay?" He kissed the top of my head before unlatching his arms and driving off.

I walked into my house and ran into Charlie, who was on his way out.

"Wait, where are you going? It's the middle of the night." I asked as he shoved his phone into his pocket and grabbed his keys.

"Got called out to help someone from a couple county's over. I should be back by morning."

Before I could respond he was already out of the door.

A night home alone is exactly what I need right now.

I walked up the stairs and fell onto my bed. I grabbed my pillow and held it over my face. I let out a blood curdling scream before removing the pillow and exhaling sharply.

"Well that helped."

"Are you sure about that?"

I whipped my head around to find Jasper hanging from my window. How did I not hear him come in? Must've been the screaming.

So much for a night alone.

"You seem a little annoyed. I can go if you want?" Jasper asked calmly, but I see the hidden sadness behind his features.

"No Jas. Come on in."

He climbed through my window and walked over to my bed. He sat down next to me and sent a wave of calm over me.

"Why are you so worried? Don't lie to me either."

I sat up and stared at Jasper. Why did he have to ask me the most controversial question that someone could ask right now? Can I really tell him why I'm worried? If I lie, he'll know. I can't hide something from someone who can feel my emotions as if they are his own.

"Honestly? I'm worried about you guys. This past week showed me just how possessive all of you are over me. If I were human, I would've been ripped to shreds. I'm worried that whatever my decision is, it'll result in me losing one, if not all, of you."

Venom pooled in my eyes as I avoided looking in Jasper's direction. I stared at my lap and picked at the material of my pants. I waited for calmness to wash over me again but instead of feeling better, I started to feel worse.

More venom pools in my eyes, making my perfect vision rather blurry. I raised my head to look at Jasper. His own eyes were filled to the brim with venom. He had pain etched all over his face as he stared at me with sorrowful eyes. He slowly reached his hand out to take mine. Taking in a sharp breath, he melted his pain away.

"We talked about that this week actually. About what we would do when you chose one of us. (Y/n), we love you. We will always love you. You're our bestfriend. If you're happy, we're happy. Please don't ever worry about losing us."

Finally, as Jasper spoke his words, a wave of content flooded my body. A small smile crept onto my lips and I gave his hand a gentle squeeze. He leaned over and kissed my temple before wrapping an arm around me and pulling me into his chest.

"But I'm not gonna lie, if you pick Jacob over me I may be a little upset. He smells like a wet dog for cryin' out loud."

We both laughed at his comment and carried on after that. That night was the first time in a while that I really felt content with the situation I was in. Maybe it was Jasper's mood control. Maybe it was the week I had spent with the boys. Or maybe it was that I had finally come to terms with the fact that I would never lose any of my bestfriends.

I don't know but whatever it was, it felt right.


extremely short and boring chapter, i'm so sorry :(
school is starting so i am trying super hard to write every chance i get. updates may take a little longer than normal but i'll try to push them out as fast as possible.

ALSO !!!!!

i have started an embry call imprint story!!! i am super excited about it so i hope you'll give it a read!

xoxo, darkcupid_

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