Part 1

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“Sarah? Babe, where are you?” Ben runs through the house he is sharing with his best friends.

“Guess what!” He rushes over to her after finding her in the kitchen. He pulls her close and hugs her.

“Damn, Ben, I just painted my nails…” Sarah pushes him away.

“Forget about your stupid nails, I just got a call from the studio! They want our script – they want to make our movie reality!”

He opens his arms and grins at her. Sarah stares at him.

“You gotta be kidding me…”

Ben just shakes his head and grins.

“Oh my god!” Sarah squeaks and wraps her arms around him.

“That´s fantastic, isn´t it?”

“Did you tell the guys?”

“Mhm!” Ben nods.

“We´re meeting at the pub at eight with all the guys. We have to celebrate that… this could be it!” he says and turns around to leave. “Make sure you´re ready on time!” he yells from the hallway.

“I will…” she murmurs and leans back against the fridge. She closes her eyes. That could be it – but it could also destroy everything, she thinks by herself.

“Okay, okay… a little speech now!” John gets up in their little corner at the pub and raises his beer. “Ben – thank you for having been so annoying to the studio people. They finally gave up and let us do this movie, even if it’s just a small indie project – we are thankful!” he declares. “To Tom – please make sure not to fuck every chick you´re in some way attracted to once the fame starts, okay? Don´t forget – we have a job to do.” he laughs and winks at Tom.

“Shut the fuck up, you´re just jealous!” Tom snaps back with a grin.

“And last but not least – Sarah, our little girl, for your amazing work that will make us rich and famous. Cheers!”

Sarah, Ben, Tom and John – they´ve been working hard within the last years, they were a creative group of actors and writers trying to make it in Hollywood, hardly earning a living with their work, but finally it seems to pay off. They sure have a reason to party. The last year was good, they delivered a great script for a movie that plans to have Sarah and Tom in the movie, the story was great, catchy and new, and finally they found a small studio who was interested.  “Okay Ben, it´s your turn now!” Tom yells at him and he gets up.

“Right… shut up everyone, there´s a few things I´d like to say…”


Back home, John, Ben and Sarah have one more beer in the kitchen. Although they are still happy and excited, everyone is getting quiet and sleepy. “Okay guys, I´ll go to bed, I´ve had enough” John yawns.

“Good night, dude” Ben says as John walks out and closes the door. He is leaning against the cupboard; Sarah watches him while he is drinking his beer, one hand in his pocket.

 He is tall and slender; strains of his dark brown hair are falling into his face. Their eyes meet, and for a second they are staring at each other. The things they went through… Sarah gets up, slowly walks towards him and puts her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest.

“Come here babe…” Ben whispers and wraps an arm around her, holding his beer in the other one. They are standing like this for a few minutes, until Ben finally puts his beer aside. Sarah looks up to him, into his captivating brown eyes. Ben caresses her cheek and looks at her, full of mixed emotions. He knows he can´t resist her… and so does she.

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