Sean Lew Vlogs.

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"I've cracked it! My brilliance amazes even me at times, get this" she exclaims, a lifted pointer finger indicating the necessity for a pause of silence for optimal dramatic effect, "we drive them to a restaurant of their choice. And then we pay."

She ends this sentence with flourish, arms thrown outwards in a ta-da motion.

"That's your brilliant plan?" Sean replies drily, the evidence of barely concealed laughter highlighting the linear grooves within each cheek.

"Why did you say it like that?" Kaycee bites out, posture flattening into defence mode. How could he not like and agree with her amazing, arguably best in the world, while self-proclaimed, plan? It was a good plan.

"Because it ranks somewhere alongside flowers and a box of chocolate" he replies patiently, lips tugging upwards into a grin, "it's literally the least effort you could put into a gift."

"Well, I take offence to that," Kaycee sniffs, chin tilted stubbornly, "I happen to like flowers and chocolate."

"I know you do," Sean chuckles, shaking his head at her stubborn adamance, "why do you think I buy them for you regularly? They just don't say special occasion."

"Are you saying it isn't special when you get me chocolates and flowers?" Kaycee demands, hands lifting to rest in the indents of her waist.


"Fine" she grumbles.

In spite of all the years they had known each other, been dance partners and eventually best friends, the times she ever really regretted being his partner were few and far between. Rarer still was there ever any real emphasis behind her momentary regret. But it was at times like this where she wished time travel existed only so that she could kick her past self in the ass for agreeing to be around him for any length of time.

"I'm soooo sorry for not wanting to poison our parents with my definitely not terrible cooking, after which they'll inevitably die and then I'll be thrown in prison even though it was all your idea" she rants sarcastically, arms waving passionately during her tirade.

Kaycee twists to face her best friend when he burst into laughter, glare at the ready even while she struggles to keep hold of it. Another thing about him that annoyed her to no end. His stupid laugh made it impossible to stay mad or even at the very least disgruntled. The inhumanity of it all.

"Sean, I'm not kidding. You've seen me cook, you know I'll somehow find the only way to ruin it!" she says through her own traitorous smile, shoving him at the shoulder.

"Tha- that's why it's so f-funny" he gasps through fits of laughter, swaying away with her push.

"Stop Sean," she says, preparing to pull out the big guns, i.e the well practiced and finely tuned puppy eyes, "look, I'm so serious right now."

Annoyingly, it only makes him laugh harder.

A significant amount of time passes before Sean is even able to speak again, his breath caught after long minutes of pursed mouth breathing. Grinning at her briefly from beneath a thick curtain of overgrown hair, he stands to manoeuvre behind the stool Kaycee occupies. Coughing awkwardly at the abrupt shift in his actions, she grunts quietly, fidgeting on the kitchen stool as she waits to see what he does. Kaycee was willing to claim that the tremor down her spine was the result of a breeze all the way to her grave before she ever admitted it was his proximity that affected her. This was Sean. Annoying Sean who used to regularly grind the poor, innocent floor in dance class at age 13.

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