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tainted dreams | chapter five

tainted dreams | chapter five___

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Entering a menacing-looking spaceship was easier than she had thought. She was siting there, completely at ease as they prepared to leave Tony behind and planned to eliminate Thanos from the face of the earth.

And she was ready to bring that bastard down. Once and for all, for everything he had done to her and her loved ones.

"Okay, who here hasn't been to space?" Rocket asked, looking back at the rest of the team from his seat in the front of the ship.

Nat, Steve, Rose, and Rhodey rose their hands, while everyone else stared at each other in confusion. Rose shook her head and chucked when Rocket asked them not to throw up on his ship.

"Approaching jump in 3... 2... 1!" Nebula counted down as the ship jumped forward into a wormhole.

Steve and Rosalie were holding onto their seat for dear life. The ship slowed down, and it hovered in orbit of the planet seen in the hologram previously.

The view was absolutely breathtaking. Rosalie couldn't breathe for a second -perhaps because she was trembling like a shaking flower- and took in the mixture of colours that filled the space around her. Those colours were the most surreal thing the girl had ever seen and Nat had to shake her in order to bring her back to the present.

Carol was hovering in front of the ship, glowing in her glorious suit. Rosalie looked down at her black leather suit and sighed.

She would have to make a new one. Or ask Tony for some more fashionable updates.

"I'll head down for recon." Carol said before she left.

The passengers inside the ship were preparing for the impending confrontation. Nat and Steve circled the teenager and gave her weapons, some knives and a hug from her mentor and friend.

"This is gonna work, guys." Rosalie couldn't help but grip their arms as they waited for Carol to come back.

"I know it will." Steve was holding a compass with an image of a brunette lady, sighing. "Because I don't know what I'm going to do if it doesn't."

There was a small pause where everyone stood still and waited for Carol's reappearance. The nervous atmosphere that's surrounded them was excruciating. And Rosalie felt her teammates' fears crawling into her skin, feeding the center of her little power deposit, as she called it.

She was energised, ready to fight. And she would.

Carol quickly approached the ship and Rosalie dropped the cool act she had placed on herself even before stepping inside the dangerous looking ship.

"No satellites, no ships, no armies, no ground defenses of any kind. It's just him." Carol said with a frown on her face.

"Then that's enough." The blonde girl gripped her weapons and sat back down, Rocket piloting the ship down to the empty planet.

tainted dreams |p. parker ✔️Where stories live. Discover now