Chapter 18

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"This is the only existing photograph of the legendary Squidbeak Splatoon. The young man folding his arms appears to be the leader. When the picture was taken, the Great War had been raging on for over a year."
—Sunken Scrolls 1:15 (3.6)

Wednesday, 12:58 a.m.
Cuttlefish Cabin

"Whaddaya mean you don't know where Agent 1 went?" the captain demanded, folding his arms. "You live with her!"

Clouds filled the night sky. Marie shined her flashlight around, quietly searching for the right paper lantern. After a pause, she pulled on the correct one and placed her hand on the uncovered panel. As always, it flashed red, and the shack's wall folded inward. Then, the three present members of the New Squidbeak Splatoon descended down the concrete stairs.

"It's just as I said," Marie answered with a sigh, removing her face mask. "She disappeared the same day you and Agent 3 departed for the Eastern Cape. I've been looking everywhere for her."

Captain Cuttlefish nodded. "So you were working all by yourself this whole time!"

"Yes, Captain. At least, until I recruited Agent 4 here."

At the bottom of the stairs, Cole punched the passcode into the heavy steel door and led everyone to the shack's main room. He, too, removed his face mask, then set his backpack, brella, and earpiece radio down on the couch. Once again, Cole was back at the shack, staying awake far longer than was healthy and discussing life-or-death matters into the wee hours of the morning. What an adventure this week was. He rubbed his eyes and went to the fridge to grab a pitcher of lemonade.

The captain kept talking. "Good on you, Marie. Better to look for help than to charge in alone."

"I ran into Agent 4 while we were both looking for Natalie. At first, I suspected he was working for the police or something."

Cole poured himself a glass of lemonade. "You never told me that part," he said.

Marie laughed, dropping her bag on the floor. "Well, after I finally caught you and learned that you were her friend, I realized how wrong I was."

The captain turned to Cole, eyeing the pitcher of lemonade. "Pour me one, too, kiddo."

"Yes, sir."

"That's Yes, Cap'n to you."

"Yes, Cap'n."

Marie rolled her eyes.

"And while you're at it, tell me a bit about yourself," the captain said, seating himself on the torn-up couch. "What are you good at?"

Cole blinked twice, caught off-guard. "Uh, what?"

"He's a good shot," Marie chimed in. "And he's got instincts as sharp as Agent 3!"

The old man scoffed as Cole brought a glass of lemonade over to the couch. "I don't believe that for a second," the captain said, taking the glass with both hands. "Agent 3 can get more done than both of you using just that piece of shit pistol. And no offense, kiddo, but you look too fresh to be a fighter."

"You haven't seen him at work, Captain," Marie insisted. "His shooting form is really good, and he's totally fearless. Cole was breaching doors and charging in with that shotgun, and we're talking about a new recruit here. He's only been Agent 4 for a couple days."

"I'm just a guy from Razorback Falls looking for my missing neighbor," said Cole sheepishly.

"So you're Cole," the captain noted with a nod. "Agent 3 has mentioned you plenty."

Marie sat down in front of the computer and turned it on. "Speaking of whom," she said, "Agent 3 is still out there, and we have no idea where she went."

The captain took a sip of his drink and chuckled. "Actually, I have an inkling where that Inkling is."

Marie turned around from the computer, and Cole's eyes lit up. The two agents were all ears.

"Just yesterday," the captain began, "Octavio paid us a little visit at Beaker's Depot. Confessed to being behind our capture and all that. Said he wanted to finish what he started two years ago."

"Octavio was at Beaker's Depot?" Marie asked, perplexed. "Why didn't you say so?"

"You missed him by a day. He was gone by the time you two showed up," her boss responded. "Anyway, the idiot had the good grace to tell me and Agent 3 where he was headed. Apparently, he'll be in the town of Slimeskin for a few days, checking in with the local population and the garrison. That means he's gathering troops."

"Wait, you're saying Nat is following him? By herself?" asked Cole.

The captain answered with a frown. "We would have heard from her by now, otherwise."

"Sounds like something she'd do," Marie said with a sigh. She crossed her arms. "Slimeskin is on the other end of Octo Canyon," she pointed out. "It's a few hours away, but even if we can get there, we'd have no way of getting in."

The captain finished his drink and chuckled again. "Wrong, Marie. You're looking at the man who's been conducting surveillance on border settlements for decades. It just so happens that I've learned a lot about the town of Slimeskin while sitting on my rumpus at HQ. I'll help you get in."

This was excellent news, thought Cole. Everything was lined up in their favor; they had located both Octavio and Nat, they had a man with a plan, and they could kill two birds with one stone. However, at the thought of moving out to another operation, Cole became keenly aware of his physical exhaustion. The way back from Beaker's Depot had been a two-hour run—Sheldon had only provided one-way transportation this time—and Cole's legs were sore. He felt himself nodding off. His eyelids were so incredibly heavy right now, and keeping them open was a real struggle.

"You can sleep on the way, kiddo," the boss said, jostling Cole awake. "Marie, give your boy Sheldon a call. It's an emergency."

Cole yawned. How was this old fart so peppy and alert at this hour?

"Where are we going?" Marie asked, also yawning.

"Back to HQ. We have some equipment in the workshop that might come in handy."

Cole groaned. He really needed some sleep.

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