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The puppy eyes—that's how she always got her way. "Come on, Em'!" Alexa pleaded on her hands and knees. "I love you, and so will my pack."

"Everyone isn't like you!" Emory playfully kicked at her best friend.

Every year since they had turned fifteen, Alexa would beg Emory to join her for Hillwood's Annual Winter Ball. Emory's species and the werewolf community just didn't mix well. Or so she'd heard. She had never actually met or been around any other werewolves, besides Alexa's family.

She pleaded, "You'll be with me though, Em'. I won't ever let anything happen to you!"

It had been almost six years since the first time Alexa had invited Emory back to her hometown with her. And each year Emory had seen her off while she stayed back and spent the holidays alone or with her twin siblings, Eliana and Ezekiel.

Her ability to see future events before their occurrence prevented her from doing things that a normal young woman wouldn't hesitate to do. Then again, most young women weren't friends with a werewolf. Nonetheless, the easiest way to prevent potentially catastrophic events was to stay out of harm's way.

Emory had been much less tough and outgoing in the past, so she hadn't felt comfortable standing her own in situations her visions had or had not forewarned her of. But, she had known Alexa Matthews since they were five years old and her parents nearly raised Emory and her siblings. Why not do her due diligence and go to her best friend's packhouse? Meet people similar to the amazing family who had taken her and her siblings in as their own.

"Alright! Alright!" Emory huffed. "I'll tag along."

Alexa jumped for joy. She threw her arms around her best friend and giggled, "Let's go shopping!"


One ten hour road trip later.

Here they were—Hillwood. Emory could only describe it as a castle. "This is where you were born?" she looked over at a smiling Alexa as the large wooden doors slowly opened to reveal an extravagantly decorated ballroom full of well-dressed people.

Alexa stepped in first and Emory followed behind her. Emory's breath caught at the sight before her.

Chandeliers that were visibly cut from the best diamonds spiraled down from the arching taupe colored ceiling, illuminating the pale walls. The cherry wood floor was so polished it looked like an iced-over lake.

And the ballroom was only half of the magnificent sight to see. Soft music and chatter were coming from every inch of the room. All of the women sparkled like a box of jewels. They all wore expensively exquisite gowns that just barely touched the floor. And the men all wore expensive, fitted suits. If Emory hadn't known better, she thought she'd stepped onto the Titanic how well they all were dressed.

"Your coat ma'am?" a butler smiled down at Emory and Alexa reaching a handout.

"Thank you," she smiled, removing her trench coat revealing the satin gown she wore. Emory had never been in a space that made her feel so fabulous. She wore an elegant a-line emerald green dress that displayed a bit of her cleavage and had a low back. She knew for sure that the color of the gown brought out the green of her slanted eyes and tanned complexion of her skin.

She'd pinned down the front of her red thick, curly hair with pearled hairpins and left the rest to hang around her shoulders. The jewelry she wore was quite simple—an opal amulet on a gold chain and a matching pair of opal earrings.

Alexa had also removed her jacket and had already grabbed onto Emory's hand to drag her to meet her old friends, Sasha and Daniel. Her childhood best friends—mates now. Much like everyone else in the room, they were a beautiful pair.

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