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Emory now sat on Alexa's bedroom floor venting to her and Greg about what had just occurred after they'd left her and Fallon in the theater room.

She was clearly unintentionally cock-blocking so to get her out of the bedroom Alexa suggested she go talk to Fallon.

"He's your mate, Em'. He won't do anything to hurt you," Alexa assured her as she slid her feet into her fuzzy slippers. Seconds later, Alexa grabbed Emory's hand and pulled her out the door and further down the hall and up a back staircase that led to another long hall.

She stopped them in front of a large door. Emory could smell Fallon's scent through the door, which meant:

"This is the Alpha's room," Alexa smiled reassuringly. "I'll be here to get you in the morning for breakfast, alright?"

Emory gulped and nodded her head in agreement. With that, Alexa turned and disappeared down the hall leaving Emory alone.

She stood outside Fallon's bedroom door shitting bricks.

After saying a quick prayer of discernment to her deceased parents and Hecate she knocked on the mahogany colored door softly. She received no response so she twisted the knob and slowly entered the room.

It was stunning on the inside. A large California-king sized bed sat in the middle of the room adorned with tons of beautifully designed pillows and a dark maroon comforter. The bedpost and frame were made of the finest mahogany wood. The wall behind the bed had a hand painted mural of what appeared to be a man shifting into a wolf.

To the right there was a huge fireplace. The wood-fire blazed cheerily in the fireplace, sending its warmth and light far out into the dim room, flashing red reflections onto the curiously twisted bars of the wooden bedstead. Surrounding the fireplace was a built in wall bookcase. The bookcase was ornate, as if carved by a person with a profound love of literature. It's engravings were of leaves, of autumn berries, and birds on the wing—so sublime as to invite the fingers to take it in just as much as the eyes.

In front of the fireplace sat a comfy sofa made of what looked like the softest red velvet. A white shag blanket was thrown across its back and two embroidered decorative pillows were tossed on the seats of the plush couch. To the left of the room there were two doors—a glass door and a wooden one. The glass door visibly led outdoors to the balcony. Emory could hear water running inside the other door so she presumed it was the bathroom.

The shower suddenly stopped running which meant that Fallon would be entering the room soon.

She nervously rushed to the sofa near the bookcase and sat awkwardly facing the fireplace. Seconds later the bathroom door opened and Fallon slowly walked into the room.

Fallon had originally planned on not seeing his mate again until the following day after he discussed the logistics of their relationship with his council. He tried to have a nonchalant attitude about seeing her in his room, but his wolf had other intentions with his beloved mate.

Emory gulped glancing over at him, "Alexa and Greg sent me here."

Oh, Hecate. He stood a mere couple feet away from her naked as the day he was born. She nearly fainted.

The water that dripped down his chiseled chest glistened in the firelight. Shadows from the fireplace's flames danced across his broad shoulders and biceps. Her eyes followed a droplet of water from his chest to his erect manhood that twinged as soon as her eyes settled on it.

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