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"I think I'm really starting to love it here," Emory laughed, hopping into the driver's seat of one of the pack's Range Rovers. "It took me two whole years working part-time at a movie theater to save up for my first car!"

A few weeks after Emory actually bought her first car Alexa had wrecked it. She hadn't had enough money for a new one ever since. Luckily, pack house members were allowed access to the pack vehicles.

Since the weather had cleared up a bit Emory, Alexa, and Sasha had all decided to go on a girls shopping spree.

"Told ya living in a pack house has its perks!" Sasha chuckled getting in the back of the car.

The girls listened to music and cracked jokes the entire drive to the mall. Once there, their first stop was Alexa's favorite dessert shop, Auntie Anne's.

Now standing in line, Emory was trying to figure out what she wanted to order.

"You should try the cinnamon sugar pretzel nuggets."

Emory turned toward the voice. Behind her stood a woman with black hair and green eyes. She actually looked quite familiar to Emory, but she couldn't put her finger on where she'd seen her before. Wherever she knew her from, she got a bad vibe from her—the woman's aura was completely black.

Before Emory could respond, Alexa exclaimed, "I love those too girl!"

Once their orders were ready Emory had become a bit anxious at the fact that the strange woman was still in their presence chatting with an overly friendly Alexa. She wondered why her friend couldn't feel the negativity dripping from the odd woman.

"Hey, thanks again for recommending the cinnamon pretzel thingys. We'll see you around," Emory smiled at the woman trying to end her and Alexa's conversation.

"No problem girl," she responded smiling back at Emory. "You all should take my number down! I would love to hang sometime," she said.

Alexa's phone had died so she made an apprehensive Sasha take the woman's name and number down. Oddly enough, the woman called herself from Sasha's phone so she could have her number as well before they all walked away from her.

"Really 'Lex?" Emory scolded elbowing Alexa when they were out of sight of the woman.

"What!? I like her!" she said shrugging her shoulders.

Emory responded annoyed, "Something about her was off. She actually looks quite familiar, but I can't place her."

Sasha brooded, "And now she has my number on top of everything!"

The girls continued on with their day of shopping, forgetting about their encounter with the strange woman, who they now knew as Juliet.


As soon as the women entered the pack house Greg and the councilmen were on them like white on rice.

"Why didn't you tell me you were leaving the pack house?" Greg chided Alexa quickly pulling her into a tight embrace as if she had been missing for days.

Alexa laughed him off trying to hold onto all of her shopping bags, "You were in a meeting, Hun! I'm fine. Help with my bags please!"

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