little creases

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warning: one use of homophobic slur. sorry.





"For Christ's sake what?!"

"I'm bored."

Remus rolled his eyes and went back to writing. He pretended he couldn't feel Sirius hanging off his arm or his big grey eyes staring at him.

"Moony, please."

"What the hell do you want me to do?"

Sirius smirked, leaning on the other boy's shoulder. Remus could feel soft hair tickling his neck, and electricity danced down his spine.

"Surprise me."

"What if I say no?"

Sirius moved closer. "I'll keep annoying you."

A shrug. "That's not new, so I don't care."

"Come on, Moony," Sirius whined. "Distract me somehow."

Remus gasped. "Is me just being myself not distracting enough for you?"

"It is, but it would be even more distracting if you payed attention to me."

"Lupin! Black!" called Professor McGonagall (their English teacher) from the front. "I don't recall giving you permission to talk, and I'm fairly sure I haven't got dementia just yet."

"Sorry, Minnie," Sirius said cheerfully, tipping his chair back. "We'll behave from now on."

"Will we?" Remus muttered doubtfully to himself.

"Shut up Moony."

"I love you too."

Sirius squealed loudly. Professor McGonagall raised an eyebrow at him.

"I'd ask you to share with the class, but I feel as though you will do so anyway."

Sirius stood up, grinning. "Remus here just said he loved me!"

McGonagall looked at Remus this time. "Is that true, Mr Lupin?"

Remus felt his neck burn, but spoke calmly all the same. "It's true I said it, Professor. Doesn't mean I meant it." He ignored Sirius' heartbroken look.

"That is a pity," McGonagall replied flatly, turning back to the large whiteboard. "Now, does anyone else have any romantic confessions to make?"

James put his hand up.

"Except for Potter," she added, back still turned.

James put his hand down.

She turned around. "No? Then turn to chapter thirty-one and start reading."

"You hurt my feelings," Sirius whispered, sitting back down.

"That was kinda what I was aiming for," Remus whispered back.



Sirius and Remus were walking to Biology when someone called after them.

"Oi, Black!"

Sirius kept walking, scowling at the familiar voice. He saw Remus' face tighten a little through the corner of his eye.

"Don't ignore me, you stupid asshole."

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