drowning couldn't hurt

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a/n: spoiler warning for 'the book thief', less in the actual fic and more in the comments.


hey moony?


would you shoot me for a thousand pounds

james says you would for a hundred

i'd shoot you for nothing what you on boi

fucking rUde ass bitch

but you love me anyway ;)

god fucking dammit i do smh



Sirius tensed at the familiar voice. He made himself look up from his phone, spine oddly uncomfortable.

Two grey-blue eyes were looking at him coldly. They belonged to Regulus Black, Sirius' younger brother.

The older boy stood a little straighter. "Oh, hello."

Regulus looked a lot like Sirius. The same sharp jaw, the same nose. The same dramatic eyebrows and dark, silky hair.

But where Sirius' mouth looked like it was forever in a subconscious smile, Regulus' looked like it was always mildly disgusted.

"Did you want to talk to me?" Sirius prompted, realising Regulus wasn't going to continue talking.

"I did." But he was still quiet. Sirius sighed.

"Reg, what's wrong?"

Those cold eyes narrowed. "You keep interfering with what I do."

Sirius raised his eyebrows. "You mean you being in that little gang of drug-taking imbeciles? Who go around setting things on fire and other shit?"

"Not so loud!" Regulus hissed. But there was no one else there - everyone had gone to lunch already.

"Well?" Sirius asked, crossing his arms across his chest.

"It's none of your business what we do, Sirius."

The older boy blinked. "You're my brother. Of course it's my business."

A chilling smile pulled at those similar, foreign lips. "I'm your brother?" A loud sigh. "And yet you left me at home with mother and father, because you thought you were more important."

"It wasn't like that - "

A laugh. "You left me, and now look. This is your fault, Sirius."

Something was scrabbling at Sirius' chest, raking nails into his lungs and squeezing his heart. He hadn't wanted to go - he hadn't wanted to leave him behind, but he had and now Regulus was going to die because of this goddamn group -

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