CH•06 - "And So Begins The Plot"

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I've decided to call tiny bird "Tiny". Not that... I can even call him that with no human voice and all, but I still need something to refer to him. Well, anyway... it's been a week since I got washed away by the rain and I gotta say... living near the ocean is great! I don't really need to leave one place to look for food so often since different animals swim past through me coming from either the river or the sea. And, I'm only eating just enough so as to not cause too much change on the ecosystem in these parts.

A week after my move to this place and after my encounter with Tiny, I think I've gotten used to the little guy. I mean, sure he keeps leading all sorts of troubles to me, but the only reason why I've been covering for him this whole time is because I finally found a companion for my lonely, soggy, gross reptilian life. I've been in solitude for too long, this is therapy for me.

Still though, this beach has some really white sand. And, the view here is really nice. I might be in a place where even explorers have yet to discover, and when they do, they'll turn this place into an attraction. That... might not be for a long time, but you can never be too sure about anything. Although, one thing's for sure, it's that... whatever happens from this point on... Tiny will be there with me all the way. I trust him that much. Unless, you know, I get washed away again, and I shouldn't drag Tiny with me in a hellish aqua vortex when that happens.

All that aside, Tiny is actually not that bad to be around with. He helps find a new fishing spot and also tells me if there's another prey or predator up ahead from a bird's eye view. Sigh~... Why wasn't I reincarnated as a flying creature instead... well, I guess I have Tiny for that. We help each other out. And, I kinda enjoy his daring attempts to lead all the predators chasing him right to me. There was that one time when he led a whole colony of bees right at me while I was just basking under the sun and I definitely do not want to relive that event again.

Then, suddenly... one morning, actually it was still dawn but eh, Tiny came flying to me in a hurry. I thought he was leading another group of animals at me again, but that wasn't the case this time. It's something... different. And, by different, I mean, instead of leading the usual stuff to me, I'm the one who has to walk all the way to the scene. Plus, it's on dry land. Tiny, this better be worth waking me up so early.

I was then aghast at what I saw. Not only was the part where Tiny leading me to dry land something new, but... the thing that Tiny found was also something new. Well, finding an unconscious little girl collapsed in the forest definitely does not count what Tiny usually finds most of the time.

...... It's a girl! A young human girl! What do I do? What do I do?! This isn't the same as those young men I saw at the waterfall before. I couldn't do anything but watch them from afar. But now, this girl is within reach for me to save. Wait, what can I even do with no arms? Okay, think. There's gotta be something I can do. I don't want to carry her with my mouth with fear of sinking my teeth in her accidentally. I can't really see well past my snout after all.

And then, as I think of all that, Tiny came and flew down the girl. Then, he tried to lift the girl up from her torn clothes with his feet but he was unable to fly even a meter off his previous position.

Oh, Tiny. Seeing you try to save this little girl really... ree~eally, really makes me wonder if you're a reincarnate like me or not.

Tiny hasn't progressed at all. Well, I better help him out then. And, just when I took a step closer, the girl moved. Her eyes are opening. Oh no. Doesn't this look bad for me? If she sees me, she's gonna freak out. What should I do? While I was still in a panic, the girl's eyes are wide open and are staring directly at me. She saw me.

(I Died and got Reincarnated) My New Life as a Saltwater Crocodile BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now