CH•16 - "The Fastest at 242 Miles per hour"

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For some reason, the adult man I ate the other day wasn't enough to satisfy me. Maybe I should've eaten that other man as well. On that note, a night has passed and... is this little guy gonna keep following me all the time? The baby cobra who hatched and imprinted on me is now under my care for reasons even I'm not sure about myself. But, maybe this is okay, I needed a new companion after all. I miss Tiny and the human girl, but who knows where they are right now and what they're doing. So far, it's not showing any hostility towards me, so I guess it's alright.

With the snake hatchling on my head, I follow the river downstream to search for a better hunting place. I need something to fill my belly. The man I ate just wasn't enough. Has my appetite increased lately? I don't remember ever feeling this hungry before. He was certainly meaty and lump enough, yet it still didn't sate my hunger. I need more. I could just eat this snake on my head, but it's still too small. I don't think it would even count as a snack. I need another lump of meat. I'm really starting to think like a wild animal now.

I've went past the houses I stumbled upon before. I've gotten pretty far. Wonder how long this river is. After nearly an hour traveling downstream, I arrived at an open field of yellow grass. Weird. This is supposed to be Egypt, so I expected to find a desert. Come to think of it, the men from before were wearing some really pre-modern attires. I remember it was worn way back during the Ancient Egyptian Era. My history teacher discussed it in class one time. I can't believe school is being helpful to my life for once.

So wait... that means... h-how?? If ending up in Egypt wasn't bad enough, I somehow time-traveled all the way back to the past?!! What does this mean?! Wait a second... don't tell me this river is... urgh... I'd rather not think about it. But, if this is "that" river, then I could travel on for days and nights, maybe weeks, and still not reach the end. I mean, Nile River is the longest river in the world, rivaling that to the Amazon River. As to which one is really the longest, it's still being argued, but that doesn't matter to me right now. The point is... being stuck in arguably one of the longest rivers in the world does not bode well for me! That means, wherever I go, it'll just be water, and water, and water everywhere.

While I was having an inner panic in my head, I heard a loud squeal. Up above the sky, there were two large birds in a heated battle. Is that... it is! It's a peregrine falcon! That's one of my favorite birds and I've always wanted to have one! It was in my bucket list, I think. Their nosedive is considered to be the fastest of all vertical flights measured by a living creature. But, what is it doing here? There's no mountains or cliffs for its nest to be in anywhere. And, what animal is it battling against? The peregrine falcon is the only bird I've ever earnestly studied and I haven't bothered to do research on other birds.

The two great birds locked their talons on each other. They're falling while twisting and twirling in mid-air. They slap their wings on each other's heads, not minding the fact that they're freefalling at a height of more than a thousand feet in the sky. Whoa, whoa, wait. Aren't they coming in too fast? Spread your wings! You're not gonna make it! Then, the peregrine falcon thrusts its beak on the other bird's thighs. They both release their grip and spread their wings, breaking their fall. Phew....

Looking closer, the other bird is actually an eagle. ...... It's an eagle... right? A battle between an eagle and a falcon? What are the odds of having to witness that! But, I still don't get why they're fighting, and why that falcon looks unusually big. At first, I thought maybe the eagle was still young and growing, but no, it's actually the falcon that's big. Though, not as large as me, 'cause let's face it, I'm bigger than any of them.

They both glide in the air for a while, still circling each other. Please, no more. Don't hurt my fave falcon! If they could just come closer to the water, I could assist! I wag my tail, splashing water everywhere, trying to make them notice me, but to no luck. Their eyes are dead set on each other. Then, the falcon flaps its wings harder, trying to raise altitude. It's already a few thousand feet high, and it can still go higher?! The eagle gives chase, but then, the falcon nosedives straight down without warning. The eagle was spooked and tried to evade by flanking sideways, but it couldn't make it in time, and just when the falcon was about to crash into the eagle, it flanked sideway, avoiding the eagle completely and continued nose diving down to earth.

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