Chapter 16

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Camila's pov

We was all out again, Ally dinah normani Lucy Lauren and I, we was all our eating at a restaurant, Lucy kept looking and staring at Lauren, and whenever I would kiss Lauren or Lauren does something cute to me lucy would glare at me, Lauren kisses my cheek and pulls me closer to her, I move uncomfortably as Lucy glares at me

"What's wrong?" Lauren asked, I look at lucy quickly and shook my head, but normani caught my quick glance and looks at lucy

"You sure? Do you want to go?" Lo asked, I shook my head with a light smile

"I'm okay" I say, she nods and pecks my lips and I smile lightly

"So, Lucy, what's going on in your life?" Normani Asked, Lucy looks at her and shook her head

"Nothing" she said, she eats her food and looks at Lauren as Lauren drinks her water, I see her eyes trail down to her throat

"Any love interests?" Mani Asked, Lauren smirks at her and Lucy blushes

"Yeh" she whispers, I frown and look at Lauren

"Why did you smirk at her?" I whisper in her ear

"She has a crush on me" lo whispers back

"Well I got that bit!" I say, she giggles and I put my legs over hers

"Why did you look at her like that?" I whisper, she rubs my back

"Because hello ego boost" she said, I giggle and rest my head on her shoulder

"Well now that Camren isn't interrupting me...who?" Normani asked, I roll my eyes and kiss Lauren's neck looking at lucy, she glares at me and pull back and kiss Lauren's lips

"Mhmm jealous" she mumbled, i giggle and shook my head

"No, I like making people jealous" I whisper, she slaps my cheek lightly

"What?" I Ask, she rolls her eyes

"It reminded me of that guy" she mumbled, I kiss her cheek

"I was thinking of you the whole time...since I thought it was you" I say, she smiles and nods

"God, can you two let me find out who she likes please?" Mani Asked, I sigh

"Lauren, she likes Lauren" I say, they all look at her and she blushes

"Oh..." Ally said, I wrap my arms around lauren

"No I don't like Lauren" Lucy said, I giggle and so does Lauren

"I love Lauren" she said, my smile dropped and everyone notices, I look at her and just stare at her

"Uh oh" Dinah said

"Do you serve pop corn?!" Dinah yells, they nod and bring a rub over for her

"Wan some?" Dinah asked Lauren, she nods and eats some too

"Get out" I say to Lucy, she looks at me weird

"Get out" I say, I move but Lauren wraps her arm around me more and motions to bing another tub over and they do

"Why? It's not like she loves you, she loves me" Lucy said, I laugh going crazy, I brake out of Lauren's hold and she cusses to herself, Dinah grabs me and puts me back in Lauren's lap

"Camz..." lo said, I look at her and smile

"Are you okay?" She asked, I nod

"Of cause.." I say and look back at lucy who seems to be a little scared

"Leave" I say to her

"No, you know Lauren and I hooked up" she said, I look at Lauren, who blushes

"Why?" I Ask lauren

"I mean it was when we broke up...I was trying to get over you, clearly it didn't work" lo said, I nod and kiss her

"It never works" I say, she nods and plays with the neck line of my shirt well her shirt but I'm wearing it

"She loved it...she came so fucking hard" Lucy said, Lauren looks at her

"Bitch I hardly had an orgasum" Lauren said, I giggle so did everyone else

"You left me to deal with it myself" Lauren said, Lucy blushes as everyone laughs at her

" was moaning Camila's name" she said, I smile and awww

"Well the thought of her gets me off more than your untalented tongue does" Lauren said, I smile and kiss her neck

"I'll make up for your terrible fuck later baby" I whisper in her ear, she smiles and kisses me

"Thanks babe" she said, I nod

"Lucy, I don't love you, you should go this is going to ruin our friendship if you keep this up" lo said, she leave some money and goes

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