Chapter 24

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Camila's pov

We wake up to snow, we all have breakfast and go outside and play in the snow, we build a snow man and do snow angels, I feel something hit my back and see that dad threw a snowball at me, I make one but miss, Lauren counts how many people there are

"How about a snowball fight" Lauren said, we all agree

"Parents and Chris vs the girls?" Lo asked, they agree and we start attacking, Lauren was amazing at it, my dad throws one at her and she dodged it and hit him in the face

After a while of snowball fights Lauren grabs me and pushes me down into the snow, everyone else and playing in the snow, she lands on top of me and I giggle her hands are on either side of my head and she's straddling me

"Well hello" I say, she smiles and we get into a staring contest, everyone was watching us at this point, she leans down and kisses me and I smile kissing her back, she pulls back slightly then throws snow in my face, I gasp as she laughs as did everyone else, she gets up and runs and I rub after her she jumps onto the side of our fence then jumps and catches herself on the edge of our roof and climbs on top, we all stare at her shocked and she giggles at me

"Na na ananna" She said, she makes a snow ball and hits me with it

"Thats not fare" I say, she giggles and shakes her butt at me

"How about us all against Lauren?" Chris Asked, lo smiles

"Sure" she said, we all attack but none hit her she was hiding behind a bit of the roof, after that all I knew was I saw Lauren run and jump off the roof

"LAUREN!" I scream as everyone watched in shock, she rolls and behind Sofia's little house thing, we all stood there in shock, after a minute or two of us all shocked and crying a butch of snowballs hit us all in the face

"I win!" She said standing up and doing a happy dance

"Did you really think I would jump off a roof for no reason?" She asked walking over to me and hugging me seeing I'm crying

"Did I actually scare you all that much?" She asked, we all nod

"I'm sorry, but I win, dad you should know I take snowball fights like it's the war" she said, I hold onto her tightly

"Please don't ever do that again" I say, she nods and kisses me

"Sorry baby" she whispers, I nod and kiss her again

"Let's go inside and have hot coco and watch a Christmas movie" ale said, we all agree and do that I see Lauren cheek bleeding and frown

"What happened?" I Ask

"Oh I caught myself on the edge of the roof climbing up" she said, I nod and kiss it

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