Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I was brought from my thoughts and was startled to find my coworker leaning right in my face. I jumped back and let out a startled gasp. Sophia grinned at me and shook her head. "You're in your own little world." Sophia had helped me a lot when I first came to London. In fact, her cousin was Officer Gary's wife.

I owed everything to Sophia and her family.

"I'm fine... I'm just- you know, caught up in my own world." I shrugged.

"Well get out of your little world, we have a patient." She chided. As an 18-year-old girl with only a high school diploma, there weren't many jobs I could get. Somehow, Sophia managed to convince her boss that she needed an assistant, so that's where I came in. She was the office coordinator at a Dentist's and I worked as her right hand bitch. So... pretty much a secretary.

"Hello," I turned away from Sophia and she returned to billing paperwork. "Do you have an appointment or would you like to make one?"

The day was pretty uneventful, but I was thankful for that. I needed the day to kind of daydream and be left to my own thoughts. I mean, two nights before I had hit Caleb. I assaulted a police officer.

"Hey, my boyfriend is going to stop by for a few minutes, is that alright with you?" Sophia asked me.

"Yeah, sure. You're the boss." I teased her. She rolled her eyes at me, but said nothing as she picked up her phone to send a quick text. I was ready to see some sort of a Vogue model come in as her boyfriend. I mean, she was gorgeous, so I figured her boyfriend was, too.

Of course, not an hour later, in walks a tall buff guy. But I didn't pay attention to his attractiveness at all. No, I paid attention to his officer's uniform.

He was a cop.

"Marcus!" Sophia jumped up from her work and gave him a kiss. I stared at him with the widest eyes I could form. Stitched onto his uniform was his last name.


As in Officer Scott's partner.

I felt my heart hammer loudly in my chest and I was almost certain both Sophia and Officer Wayne could hear it.

"Red, this is my boyfriend Marcus. Isn't he the sexiest cop?" Sophia introduced us in excitement. I somehow forced a smile, but underneath it all I was praying and hoping that he didn't recognize me. But, my luck had been horrible my whole life, so I knew that it wouldn't change.

"Red?" He smiled at me, "hmm, I've heard a lot about you." He nodded. The way he said it seemed like he meant more than what Sophia had told him about me.

"All good things I hope." I tried to sound casual, but anyone could hear the obvious strain in my voice.

"Red's an interesting name," he leaned on the desk I sat behind, "what is it short for?" Something told me that he knew exactly what it was short for. I wasn't going to answer him, but Sophia did so before I could.

"Summer, but things get violent if you call her that." She teased me. Marcus's eyes shot up and his smile widened.

"You have a tendency for violence? I would never have guessed." He gasped, feigning surprise. So Officer Scott had told him how I hit him. That much was obvious. Sophia grabbed his hand and started to tug him to the back offices, but he didn't let her.

"Wait a second, baby. I think I have someone that would love to be introduced to Red. Wait here a sec." He kissed his girlfriend and trudged back outside. At his words, my stomach dropped. I knew exactly who he was going to introduce me to. I wondered if I'd get away with excusing myself to the bathroom, but I didn't want Sophia to think I was being rude. I was one hundred percent sure she had no idea about my messed up relationship with her boyfriend's partner. Sophia had done so much for me and the last thing I wanted to do was offend her.

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