Chapter 16

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I know it's been a while, but I've had family staying with me! Little bit of a filler chapter, but some more cute moments. Let me know if you want to see more of dark Caleb or soft Caleb!

Thanks for reading!


Chapter 16

"Yeah, come in." I wasn't quite sure what a nightcap meant, but I figured we would just hangout a little longer. He followed me inside, hovering over me as I took off my coat and gloves and all that. He followed me into the kitchen.

"Do you want something to drink?" I asked.

"Do you have beer?" He asked me, although I could tell he knew what the answer was. I never wanted to keep alcohol in my home. My father was a drunk and I never wanted that to be a risk for me, ever.

"Umm, no, I really only have water, seltzer water, a couple sodas..." I trailed off awkwardly, "I can make tea."

"Tea would be great." He smiled at me. I nodded and got to work. I put on the kettle and then started fixing two mugs with tea. I got us herbal tea, since it was non-caffeinated. He stood in the doorway, watching me.

When the tea was ready, he came over to carry the mugs into the living room. I followed him in and sat down next to him on the couch. He put the mugs on the coffee table, which I quickly moved on to some coasters. The last time I had a drink on a table without a coaster, I was eight years old and my father threw me through a window.

"C'mon, I won't bite unless you asked me to," he grinned, grabbing my waist in his large hands and pulling me closer to him. When I was close enough to him, he threw an arm over my shoulders so that we'd be even closer. He started kissing me in that amazing way that he kisses. I melted into him almost immediately.

We only pulled away because he muttered something about the tea getting cold. He handed me my mug and brought his own up to his lips. We both took a sip, but maintained eye contact over the rim of the mug.

"I have a favor to ask you." He said to me as he put our mugs back down on the coasters I had put out.

"Anything." I said too quickly. He smiled to himself at my eagerness.

"You shouldn't agree to anything until you know what it is, love," he teased me. I blushed but said nothing. "Well, next Wednesday is my birthday, but I'm having a party this Saturday to celebrate. I was hoping you'd come."

"Yeah of course." I nodded fervently, honored by the request. "I'd love to."

"Great, I'll text you my address." He told me. I was shocked by that- I guess I forgot that he didn't live with his parents. I just never put it together that he must have his own place. I wondered what it was like, would he have a roommate? A studio apartment? How did he decorate it? Did he even decorate it?

"Ok," I smiled.

"There's one more thing I want to ask." He looked down at me in mock seriousness. "Will you bake me a birthday cake? I think your bakes are much better than anything I can buy."

"Of course, I'd be honored to." I answered truthfully.

"Really? That'd be so great. Thank you so much, Red." He leaned into me and gave me a wonderful kiss. And then he gave me another one, and another. And all of a sudden, my back was on the couch and he was on top of me. My hands were knotted in his hair, his hands gripped my waist tightly. He was grinding into me, and kissing me, and holding me, and I felt amazing. His lips moved from my own, to my neck, where he peppered me with more kisses.

I really liked that.

But then I felt something press into my inner thigh. And suddenly I wasn't making out with Caleb on the couch, I was back with that man who had grabbed me off the street.

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