What is it, asshole day?

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Leonardo's pov

I ignored Luke's calls and without wasting another second jumped into the pool. I was desperate. Desperate to not lose her. Suddenly the segments of my parents' death flashed back vividly as I saw Jane's lifeless body floating at the bottom of the pool. I couldn't stop my parents from going italy. And that was the day when they couldn't make it as they lost their lives in a 'so called' tragic accident on their way to the airport.

Only I knew it wasn't an accident.

But now...I got chance to save Jane. And I swear to god I won't let her go. She couldn't just—

She couldn't just leave me damn it.

I grabbed her through her waist and floated back to the surface. Luke saw us and immediately helped me to get her out of the pool.

"Sh-She isn't breathing." Luke admitted as he checked her breathing and noticed the absence of her warm breath on his knuckles.

Fuck! It was all my fault. I should have listened her first. Oh god. What if— No I couldn't let her go. She had to survive. For god's sake, she had to.

I exerted pressure on her chest and then moved to her mouth breathing into her.
I repeated the same procedure again and again until she finally coughing.

"I knew you'd be back. After all, the one up there can't cope up with you." Luke chuckled as he hugged Jane.

"What is it, asshole day?" She mocked rolling her eyes.

"I can't believe that's the sperm that won." Luke got up and looking at me he said, "She's your to tolerate."

I nodded as he walked off.

"I'm sorry." I apologised boring my eyes into hers as she held my gaze.

"You should be." She nodded breaking the deafening silence. "Do you have any idea what was gonna happen if I were dead?" A part of me had started assuming that she'd throw her arms around me and kiss me hungrily after realising that I saved her life. While other part of me knew very well that she was Jane Sanders and would kick me hard where the sun doesn't shine once she gets back to her senses.

"I would have to flee alone to Italy."

Her brows raised to an inch in confusion. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Did I ever mention that I've a business meeting to attend in italy next week and you're accompanying me?"

"No you didn't." She said, "You've never wanted me to accompany you before. Then why now?"

I shrugged, "I've a feeling that we can do something more apart from attending the meeting."

Jane's pov

Had I really heard that right?

Or I was just imagining things as the consequence of staying under water for fucking two minutes.

It would be better if I shake the water off my brain.

He asked me to accompany him in a meeting that would be out of country. As far as I remembered, he liked to travel alone. He had never considered me to assist him.

"I've a feeling that we can do something more apart from attending the meeting." He smirked, a kind of smirk that had me wet just staring at him. Thank goodness, I'm already wet so he wouldn't see the difference. "Or
Maybe we can just cancel the meeting and stay in bed exploring each other's forbidden parts." His eyes travelled down to my breasts. "I think the latter is best option."

His lusty gaze sent a chill directly to my core between the thighs. Sometimes his dirty words affects me the way my hormones go wild all of a sudden and leave me to the edge of visual orgasm.

This guy literally had a control all over my body.

"I'm wet." I blurted, and promptly face-palmed myself mentally. His eyes turned black, full with hunger; lust; and desire as if he was possessed by incubus. "I mean I'm soaked with water. And the cold air out here isn't helping." I let out a fake shiver wrapping my arms around me. He noticed it as his eyes went back to their normal shades. And in the next moment, he slipped his one hand beneath my thighs and other around my back as he scooped me into his arms.

"What the—" And then he shut me off as his lips attacked on mine.

"Drop the bullshit, Bombshell. I know you weren't drowning." He said as soon as his lips left mine. "Only a person who knows swim could survive the fucking two minutes in water."

Uh-oh. Busted!

"Oh boy, Look at the moon. How mesmerising—" And then he again kissed me hungrily as if I was a desert.
Oh god, If I weren't drowned in water, then I'd have definitely drowning now.
"Okay-Okay." I panted. "I've been taking swimming classes since last month. Luke has no idea about this. Happy! Now, put me down you caveman!"

A mischievous smirk played on his lips. "And you put an act 'cause your cute ass had gotten bored, Yes?"

My cheeks flashed red as I said, "I-I did this because you called me fat."

"Not the seducing part, Gattina. I want to know why you made yourself drown."

Bastard. I wasn't trying to seduce him. I had picked up that sexy bikini to make him consider the 'fat' thing again. And with the drowning part, hmm...

"I did that to sabotage your game." I realised that we were now in my room as I felt the softness of mattress at my beck.

"Baby, You ruined my game. Now I have to play the football with you." He smirked crookedly as he hovered over me pinning my wrists over my head. "pagherai il prezzo, Gattina Mia."

Was that....Italian? Oh my goodness. Give me some Holy water.

Damn! That was hot as fuck.

I knew he was italian. Eva told me once that italy was his hometown. That's why his accent was different. And it gets more thick when he is angry.

"Get off of me, Lasagna!" I yelled and tried to free myself from his grip, but my attempt turned out worse as my lower body grind against him and we both froze.

"Jane, you naughty girl." He grinned. "You like my dick. Don't you? Just say yes, baby and it won't be your mouth this time—perhaps, your pussy or anal or maybe the road between your breasts if you get lucky."

My eyes went round as saucer and heat crept upto my face.



The road between my breasts?

"Get off of me, you horny manipulative bastard Or else I'll scream."

"Scream, Baby. Scream as loud as you want. I haven't gotten soundproof walls for nothing."

I grind myself again while earning a low growl from him. "Oh fuck! You're making it hard, Bombshell."

"I'll rub myself again and again until you pass out with blue balls and finally get off of me." Hmm..that's what my plan, pervert.

Suddenly, his painful expression turned into lopsided grin as he said, "So that's your game, baby. Hmm...let's see who will pass out first." And then he grind his crotch between my thighs. We both gasped at the same time.

I could feel his boner on my stomach. Oh god he was really in pain. Well, he wasn't the only one who was in pain. I was aching too. My pussy was throbbing like a heart of a teenage girl when she sees her crush walking in school hallway.

Hmm....the feeling was mutual.

The night was too long. Let's see who would pass out first.

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