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!!Warning!! Mature content in the middle of the chapter.


"God bless your soul."

I stiffened hearing a deep voice that screamed authority. The man behind Char was almost six foot tall with an athlete built. He was probably in his fifties but that did nothing to erode the aura around him. His hazel green eyes had been piercing straight through me. I shuddered under his calculative gaze. They were like two hawk like orbs ready to burn me on spot.

"Daddy!" I was close to respond when Jane rushed to him and fell into his arms. 
"I missed you so much."

Oh god, He was her dad and I was at the verge to make a mistake.

"I missed you more, Princess." He pulled apart and brushed his lips on her forehead, "You lost weight, Princess. It appears to me that your brother isn't taking care of you properly. Hmm....I guess I'll have to talk to him privately."

No one seemed to be affected but his tone dreaded me. Poor Luke. I prayed he wouldn't forget to wear diaper when he talks to his father.

Jane rolled her eyes casually as if it's normal for her and pulled me near, or almost dragged me if I was honest.
"It's Leonardo, dad. My boyfriend."

I reluctantly held my to shake, "This is a pleasure to finally meet you, Sir."

"Ah, Leonardo Vincenzo. The infamous billionaire." He taunted before shaking my hand firmly for a moment which felt like an hour. I was conscious that my knuckles would be in thousand pieces if he continued his assault.

Sensing the tense air my girl came to the rescue, "For god's sake dad, this arm belongs to the man I'm in love with and probably considering to spend my future with him. You can't treat him like this when it's clear that I've strong feelings for him."

In this moment, I wondered what good deeds I'd done in my life so I got that incredibly genius and sophisticated woman. I was very pleased to hear this.

"But Princess, you're too young to fall in love." Her dad's eyes softened. "You may be forgot what happened last time when you fell in love blindly with that manipulative bastard but I remember everything. And this man here is not different from him."

"But, dad—"

"I don't want to hear anything. Tell him to leave."

"Now you're being over dramatic!" Char intruded furiously, her hands rested on hips. "I swear if you say one more rude words about Leo, Consider that we're divorced."

Did I just sense fear in Mr Sanders eyes?

"Baby, sweetheart, honey, the only woman who can shatter my stoned heart, I'll give him a chance." Mr Sanders stated, terrified. "I'll do whatever you say, Char. But please don't ever let that odious thought corrupt your mind. Ever."

I was in trance watching a familiar scene in front of me. Mr Sanders reminded me of me. That's exactly how Jane threatens me and I have to fulfill her every demands unwillingly.

"Come here, son. Give me a hug." Mr Sanders said and I complied wishing he wouldn't break my ribs this time. "Haha...don't be scared, son. I was in army before Jane's mother decided to drag me into baking. So you see, austerity and authoritarianism comes in nature."

"You're in army?" I quizzed curiously as we pulled away.
He nodded. "Wow. My great grandfather was in army too. He was patriotic and died for his country in a war. He's my idol."

"That's great, son. Anyway, You should Come in. There's cold out here." He said and we all compiled.

Once I passed through the entrance I realised we weren't alone all this time. Luke and an unfamiliar girl had already been in living area. They were sitting on the couch. Too close than entitled to be just friends.

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