Chapter 1 (edited)

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"This could be my last trip to the mall." I thought to myself as I look around the people sitting in the food court.

I envy them just for looking like they have all the time in the world to live and have fun. Well, that was a bit dramatic. It's not that I'm dying or something, it's just that I am going to be the first-ever female alpha of the world. And that is a hell lot of frustrating because usually, werewolves think of female wolf as a way to get a pup, to cook for them. Well yes, we take patriarchy seriously. But I guess not all I like that cause my father is making me the alpha and my elder brother is supporting it. He was the one who suggested it.

"I should stop my mental ranting about being alpha or werewolf cause let's be honest I love both. And I need to go back before they ( my beta and gamma) start looking for me. " I thought of taking the last sip of my milkshake.

Just as I was about to stand someone enter the food court opening the door, that's when I smelled the best smell in the world. It was like a big library here. And without even realizing I started walking toward it.

My wolf Flicker starts roaming my head demanding to go towards our mate. And I did just that, I started looking for him. And my eyes stopped at a group of boys, one in particular. I can't see much of his face as they were at the other end and one of his friends was making it difficult for me to look at him.

I started walking toward him with the utmost agency. Flicker was getting frustrated with my slow pace and said, "Could you please hurry. I want to be with a mate."

"I know and am trying. Can't you see? " I replied rolling my eyes at her.

"It should be easy as he would also have felt our presence by now," said Flicker.

That got my attention cause mate was not trying to find us. He was oblivious to our presence but how could that be possible. Unless he was................. human!

I saw people passing in front of me, I was standing there like deer in the spotlight. Flicker pacing in my head screaming at me brought me back to reality. And I start looking for a mate but I couldn't find him nor I could smell his mouth-watering aroma. I lost him.

Alpha And Her Human MateWhere stories live. Discover now