Chapter 33

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Shawn's POV

"Thank you guys so much! You guys mean the world to me. Without you I wouldn't have been where I am today. Thank you!" I say waving at my fans. They all scream one last time and I go back stage. "Nice Shawn!" Matt says high-fiving him.

"Thanks." I say. I can't wait for tonight with Meg. I really messed up. I shouldn't have even drank at that party. None of this would've happened.

Megan's POV

"Come with us." Mahogany and Maggie says as they walk into a dressing room.

"Put this on." Maggie says handing me a tight black dress with maroon heels. "Why?" I ask confused. "Just do it. Trust me." Mahogany says. I sigh and grab the clothes and walk behind a frame thing.

I come out and they gasp. "DAMMMN." Maggie says laughing. "You look gorgeous!" Mahogany screams. "Thanks. Now why am I in this dress?" I ask. "BE FUCKING PATIENT AIGHT?" Maggie screams laughing.

I open the door and Nash is standing there in a suit with his arm out, gesturing me to take it.

I look back at Mahogany and Maggie and they give me a thumbs up. I see a lane of roses on the ground.

I take Nash's arm and he leads me to Matt. Then I take Matt's arm and he leads me the front of the theater.

"M'lady. Your boyfriend awaits." Matt says weirdly. I look at where he's gesturing and I see a log black limo. "What's going on?" I ask. "You'll see." Matt says smiling. He opens the door for me and I get in.

"Good evening my beautiful girlfriend." Shawn says scooching over to me and kissing me on the cheek

"What are we doing tonight?" I ask. "You'll see." Shawn says smiling


We get to a restaurant and it's REALLY fancy. "Shawn why are you-" I start. "To make it up to you, Megan. i'm sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am." He explains. "I forgive you." I say.

~after dinner~

"That dinner was literally the best thing I've ever had!" I say as we're walking out hand and hand. "Eh, your muffins are still better." he says smiling. "I mean, What can I say?" I say laughing and flipping my hair.

"Thank you for spending this lovely night with me." Shawn says kissing me passionately on the lips. "Thank you for being a wonderful boyfriend." I say smiling into the kiss.


We get home after about 10 minutes of driving. The limo driver opens the door for me and I thank him. Shawn thanks the limo driver also and we head inside Cams house with our fingers intwined.

"I'm so tired." I say yawning. "Just let me show you one more thing." He says. "Can you show me tom-"

"C'mon Meg." Shawn says. "Fine." I say. He drags me to the back door and I can't believe what I see. There's a row of candles leading to the most beautiful view of Los Angeles.

"Oh my gosh." I say smiling. I can't help myself. I start to cry. I cry of happiness. I'm so lucky to have a boyfriend like Shawn. I don't deserve him at all.

"This is just for you beautiful." Shawn says kissing my cheek. Shawn grabs a ukelele from a pool chair an starts playing.

Well you done done me and you bet I felt it

I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted

I fell right through the cracks

And now I'm tryin' to get back

Before the cool dawn run out I'll be giving my best-est

And nothin's gonna stop me but divine intervention

I reckon it's again my turn

To win some or learn some

But I won't hesitate no more

No more it cannot wait

I'm yours

Well open up your mind and see like me

Open up your plans and damn your free

Look into your heart and you'll find love, love, love, love

Listen to the music in the moment people dance and sing

We're just one big family

It's our God for sakin' right to be loved loved loved.

He finishes and put the ukelele down. He grabbed both of my hands and rested his forehead on mine.

"I'm yours Megan." he says kissing me.



Please go read my other stories! Just go on my profile and find them.

Just Another Fan (Matthew Espinosa)


Magcon Reunion



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