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Seana Washington, Age 18
(See• Anna)

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed for what felt like hours at a time. Usually his beatings weren't this intense, unless he was drunk, or did a line of cocaine.

I sometimes wish I could make him happy again. I want to take his mind off of the stress but he doesn't love me anymore. I'm 18 now, which means that he can legally marry me and I would be stuck in this hell hole forever.

I turned 18 on October 27th, which makes me a Scorpio. I was born in Philadelphia Pa, but he moved us to New York on my birthday. He never asked my opinion on it—but that's the norm.

I know some of you are probably wondering who HE is. Well HE is Sanity, in other words my Boyfriend. Sanity is from Atlanta but he moved to Philly around the time of my abandonment.

He took me in when I had no one which is why I feel obligated to stay. San makes sure that I don't forget it either. He constantly reminds me how I would be nobody without him. I don't argue with that because it's true—I think.

Sometimes I feel empty, Broken, tired, and dead inside. Sometimes I wish my parents would have took a trip to the abortion clinic in order to save me from my current misery. I try not to dwell on those thoughts but they just sneak up on me sometimes when I least expect it.

Sanity made sure to keep me sheltered from the world. I could use the cars, but it had to be supervised. He acted like my Dad but I never had the guts to tell him that. He tried to give me this perfect fantasy world but it would be better if he treated me right.

We live in a ten bedroom mansion, with ten and a half baths. Some of those rooms have no use at all. He claims we'll need them for our 'children' but who knows when I'll actually be ready to have his babies.

I know that staying with him is a risk on my life, but if I leave I have nothing and no one. San also threatens my life when I even bring up the idea of leaving. I tried to leave before, but he found me less than an hour later, and let's just say he beat my ass like a runaway slave.

I am a firm believer in Jesus Christ, so I know he will help me out of my situation eventually. Sanity doesn't allow me to go to church but I still watch sermons on the T.V. in our basement. I'm not afraid to watch it in front of him but I just want to watch in peace and quiet.

I wish I could have finished high school and went to college. I wanted to become a D.J because I love to mix music, but my dreams were disregarded—as usual. I'm not allowed to have a job either. I was trained and taught to be a perfect housewife for San. I have nothing to my name and barely a high school education.

Sanity constantly belittles me because I don't have an education or money. Whenever we get into it, he brings up my past. Why can't he understand that I didn't ask for this! If I could change my life I would. I would have my own business, and possibly be dating someone who cares for my well-being. Instead I'm stuck in hell—with HIM.

"Maybe you should shut the fuck up and be who I want you to be BITCH!" San angrily yelled in my face. His breath reeked of strong alcohol, that I couldn't identify.

"And who is that Sanity?!" I nervously yelled back at him.

"Did I say speak Sea? Did I say open your fucking mouth? Huh? HUH?!" His punches started to get harder and harder. I prayed to God that he would let up soon.

"Please baby I- I'm so s- sorry" I struggled to breathe due to his large hands wrapped around my throat. His hands were slowly starting to take the life out of me. I never imagined my death to be by my supposed lover—or maybe I did.

"Now you wanna apologise hoe! You can't just let me lead you huh? I'm the man of the house, you never question the head. I try so hard with you Seana! I try so fucking hard to please you but it's never enough is it?" He started back punching me, first my eyes then my mouth. He would leave permanent scars.

At this point I was choking on my own blood. It spilled like a waterfall from my mouth. I made gurgling noises but he never let up. I came to the conclusion that my life means nothing to him.

As my life slowly started to slip away from me, I thought back on my life and where it all went wrong. If only my parents cared enough to keep me longer. If only I made them happy, this was all my fault. There is no coming back from this and I know it.

I looked up up at the hands that brought me so much pain in the moment. I thought about the times where they brought me pure bliss. The times where he would give me back massages, or the times he would cuddle, or feel on me. The times where he told me that his hands were here for love and not hate. Where did that logic go huh? He did a complete 180 since we met. I guess time does really reveal people's true colours. In the moment I said the first thing I could think of to save me.

"I'm pr-pregnant Sanity" I barely choked out.

"Huh?" He replied dumbfoundedly and slightly surprised.

"I said I'm pregnant with your baby, San" I was extremely scared because I was feeding him false information and I didn't know how this would work out in my favor.

"Baby, Babygirl I'm so so sorry. You know I didn't mean it right?" I nodded to avoid another altercation.

"Take me to the hospital Sanity, please" I said as sweetly as I could.

"Yea I got you Baby, let's go." He picked me up bridal style and carried me to his 2020 Mercedes Benz. He laid me delicately on the backseat and closed the door, but not without pecking me on my forehead.

Hopefully I can drag this story long enough to get out of here. I hope that those dumbass Doctors don't ruin it.

"I love you Seana Washington." Those were the last words I heard before I blacked out

This is my first story you guys so please leave any feedback you may have. Any negativity will be blocked! Love you all and see u in the next chapter.
Also the next chapter will start from the beginning on Seana's story. Please comment and vote 💕
This is not edited!!!

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