16 @ War

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I'm sixteen and I shouldn't have to feel like this. I'm sixteen every young boy out here wanna kiss. I'm sixteen and me and my mama going through it. Sixteen on the block, sixteen on the block.
           - Karina Pasian

Seana Washington, Age 16
October 27th, 2016

It all started on my 16th Birthday when my parents decided that I could take care of myself. They sat me down this morning and told me that I was an adult and that they no longer needed to watch over me. It hurt a lot, but it made me realise that people are temporary—even your own parents.

They packed all of my belongings and told me that they loved me and slammed the door shut. I wanted a bigger explanation as to why I was being kicked out but their only reasoning was that I was 'grown'.

There had to be a further explanation, I thought but my mind and stomach was running on E. I needed food ASAP. I had no money, no job, no means of transportation. I was helpless. Day freaking one of being homeless and I just wanted to beg my parents to take me back, but it would be no use. They made their final decision and unfortunately I was the one to suffer for it.

I suddenly noticed this all black Mercedes pull up next to me. I was for sure my life was over but I silently prayed.

Thankfully he got out the car and went into the corner store.

Jack-Fucking-Pot I thought to myself. I could possibly steal some snacks that would last me through the night. Even though I was sure I would get caught, it was worth a shot.

I slowly walked into the store with a few snacks in mind. I grabbed four honey buns, and two bottles of water and tried to stuff it into my Autumn jacket without being caught. As soon as I was on my way out of the store—

"Hey! You pay for that! I call cops!"

Oh shit, I thought. It was no use so I started to put the snacks back when I felt someone tap my shoulder. Of course my scary ass flinched.

"Aye it's okay I'm not gon hurt ya. Did you want those snacks Babygirl?" He asked gently.

It was something about the way he called me 'Babygirl' that had me swooning. The way is looked coming out of his perfect mouth was all I cared about.

"You don't have to I'll be strong." I immediately regretted turning it down because who knows when I'll eat again.

"Nah I gotchu. Don't even worry 'bout it Love." These names are starting to get to me. I swear I wanted to jump on him right then and there.

"Thank you so much. You really didn't have to."

"It was no prollem really, just happy to help. And plus these Chinese folk don't like us niggas. He would have happily sent yo black ass to jail tonight." We both giggled and I peeped he had the most gorgeous white smile I have ever seen.

"Ain't it past yo bedtime anyway. Yo young ass should be tucked in right about now" he joked and checked his expensive gold Rolex.

I was literally drooling at his appearance. He had money money. I could tell by his ride, and then his very expensive watch. I couldn't contain myself, I just had to ask—

"Are you a drug dealer?" He busted out laughing which caused me to furrow my eyebrows in annoyance. He took me as a complete joke.

"Nah Ma, Ian no drug dealer. I own businesses around the way tho. I got some in New York too." I breathed a sigh of relief, even though I don't know why. I mean he is fine, with his chocolate self. His 6'5 build, and he had to be at least 200 pounds. Most of which is muscle weight, maybe we could work out togeth— what am I talking about I don't know this man. It wouldn't be a sin to get to know him though.

"Do you live around here?" His question broke me out of my impure thoughts. God must be really disappointed in me right now.

"Ye—Yeah uh huh. I live right on 22nd Street."

"Lemme drop you off. It's too late for a pretty lil girl ta be walking by herself."

Aww he thinks I'm pretty. Wait wait drop me off. I'm homeless! Abort Mission ASAP!

"N—No I'm good. It's not that far, I walk everyday. I promise I'm fine."

"Nah it's no trouble at all. C'mon beautiful."

Uhhhh here we go. As soon as we got into his car I told to drop me off at a nearby park. He didn't question me this time—Thank God. He just simply replied 'Okay.' I had to admit that I didn't want to leave his car but I had to.

"Thanks..." I tried to get him to mention his name.

"Sanity." He replied smoothly. I couldn't help but smile at his unique name. It fit him perfectly.

"Seana. That's my name, nice to meet you Sanity. I appreciated you buying my snacks a saving me a trip to juvie." We both laughed at my bad sense of humour.

"That's beautiful Ma. And it's no prollem for real. Don't worry I gotchu. If you ever need anything just call and let me know." He handed me his business card which I reluctantly took. Who knows I might need it one day. Might.

"How old are you Seana?" I wanted to lie and say 18 but it's no use I look like a little ass kid right now. And lying wouldn't do anything to help my case, so I don't care.

"16, I just turned 16 today." I slouched in my chair nervously. Why was I nervous about telling him.

"Happy Birthday." He said not taking his eyes off of the road. Not gonna lie, it made me feel some type of way. I knew I should've lied.

"Welp, here it is. Thanks for the ride San." He looked over so fast and said—

"Don't call me that shit Seana. That sound girly as fuck, and as you can see that ain't me." I couldn't help but to laugh at him. He eventually joined me.

"Welp it's been real Sea, be safe out here. And don't lose my number either." He reached in his pocket and pulled out 2 hundred dollar bills. I couldn't accept it, he did more than enough already.

"Bye San!" I quickly ran to the park so he couldn't chase me. I liked the name San for him. He would eventually grow into it, I thought.

Maybe I could crash on the slide and wake up before anyone gets here.

I'd rather not. I chose next to the dumpster. I pulled out my blanket and began to cry as I thought about how my life was turned upside down in the matter of 24 hours.

I was awoken when I felt a raindrop on my face. I thought it was my own tears until I felt another. And another. Another until it turned into full blown rain showers. I thought this night couldn't get any worse until—

"Yeah she's a cutie, she'll work well with the others. I hope she can bring us some more money because we been slacking lately." Oh shit, they are talking about me. I'm not ready to be working or doing whatever, I'm only 16. I did the only thing I knew how to do.

I ran.

I'm going to be updating again today, please make sure you leave your comments and votes! See you next time💕😘

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