Chapter 8

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Babe do you wanna come over ? I bet your little girlfriend won't actually put out ;) xx

I reread the message again wishing the meaning to change.

Shit what the fuck? How stupid could I be? Tears spring to my eyes as I realised Greg didn't want to wait for me. He never did. Who the hell was Sandra? I didn't even think there was anyone in our year called Sandra.

"Babe" Greg's voice shook me out of my brain.
"What are you doing?" He saw his phone in my hand.

"Oh nothing ...just having a nice chat with Sandra" I could feel the anger burning inside me. " how long?" I demanded

"Sorry what are you taking about?" His eyes wary.

"How long have you been fucking her for?" I set it out straight his face looked ashamed. with a sinking feeling i released, it was obvious I was right.

"I don't know what your talking about?" He denied it but I could see it in his eyes. "Baby put the phone down let's continue where we was" it was like he was taking to a child.

"Haha" my voice lacked any humour "'I don't think so Greg"

Suddenly a dark look of frustration painted his face "Oh come on why are you being so frigid for?"

Wait what..Greg seemed to have snapped and a dark look came across his features " Yeah I fucked Sandra, you never put out keeping me waiting high and dry every time we got close. I get it your a virgin but a year a whole year?" He was showing me a side I hadn't seen of him and I was shocked.

"You said ... you said it was ok?" I stuttered as I was kinda of scared of the look in his face.

"I'm a guy of course I have needs. Your just a bitch" he grabbed my arm hard and pulled his phone out of my grip "a nosey bitch as well"

"I thought .." suddenly the fact I wasn't good enough for him to wait overtook and my eyes started pouring out.

"Oh you thought I loved you? Don't get me wrong your hot and I do want to be with you, Sandra was only a fuck to pass time. I suppose we can still be together if you want? You were gonna put out tonight right" Greg moved closer but I flinched away is he bipolar?, this mood and words were so confusing.

"No get away of course I ain't gonna have sex with you! We are done?" I screaming as the tears poured down my face.

"Your loss" he backed away as I ran to the door and out the front.

The cold breeze hit me as I found my way outside I remembered I hadn't driven and I had been drinking anyway I needed a lift.
I called Chloe no answer I tried again no answer. Oh my god, no come on. I didn't want to try Nathan as I knew he would probably flip his shit and beat Greg up. I called the only other person I could.

Come on come on pick up ... "hello?" Thank god the croaky voice of Hunter answers on the 3rd ring he must have been asleep. "Bella? Are you there?"  His voice felt safe.

"h..Hunter" my voice broke as I tried to speak.

"Oh my god, Bella are you ok? Where are you?" His voice sounded more awake now.

"I'm near the Kingston hotel, please can you pick me up" it was obvious I had been crying I knew he could tell. Thankfully he didn't ask any questions.

"Yeah of course I'll be there just hold on ok?"

"Thank you" I felt better knowing he was on his way.

Within 10 minutes the familiar Audi turned up and I rushed to get into the passenger side.

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