c'etait magnifique - 13 x yaz

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yasmin's discovery at how well the doctor can speak different languages is unsurprising. but that doesn't exactly stop her from getting all hot and bothered.

"They're bloody fast, I'll give them that," said Graham, hunching over, her hands on her knees, to catch her breath.

"The planet was beautiful," Yaz wiped the sweat off her brow.

Ryan huffed out in agreement, too occupied trying to catch back his breath like the rest of the companions.

They'd just come back from a trip to the constellation of Krabah, home to a rather mesmerising race of Kribbians. 'Their eyes changed colour depending on their emotions,' the Doctor had whispered when they'd first seen one. Ryan compared them to mood rings. Turned out, as mesmerising as they were, the city was full of rival gangs and the team had gotten split up between the groups. It had worked out in the end - they'd stopped the conflict - until they were admiring the view of the landscapes and the leader of the city's guards started chasing them. Tourists weren't allowed to involve themselves in gang behaviour, apparently.

"C'était magnifique." said the Doctor, fiddling with the controls to fly the TARDIS somewhere far away. The Doctor speaking another language made Yaz weak at the knees.

"Alright, Doctor, speaking French now, are we?" Yaz teased. She soon realised that she probably shouldn't be teasing a 2000 year old alien.

"D'you not like it?" Her eyebrows furrowed.

"Oh, no! You can speak French all you like,"

The Doctor smiled. It was oddly silent. Yaz looked around, and the two other companions were trying to suppress a giggle. The realisation hit her like a truck. "Oh! No! I didn't mean it like that!" She flustered about. As Ryan and Graham burst out laughing, the Doctor scrunched her face.

"Okay," the Timelord took a deep breath, accepting her confusion about the laughter and turned round to the controls, "I'll just let her float in space for the mo. You all can go do your own thing, I'll be in here doing work on the biscuit dispenser. I'm thinking of adding another option, but I'm not sure what biscuit," She bit her lip. "Ooh!" She raised a finger. "What about Maryland cookies? Or... digestives!"

"Bourbons. Definitely bourbons," Graham piped up.

"Excellent idea, Graham! Gold star for you!"

Yaz laid on her bed, watching the hours scrape by. She found the come-down after adventures extremely boring, always longing for the next trip. Especially when the Doctor was occupied with building or fixing things. Finding hobbies outside of saving the universe was something she definitely needed to work on.

She gave up being bored after a few minutes went by and got up out of her bed. After a trip to the kitchen to make a cup of tea with a wasteful amount of sugar, she headed to the control room. Upon arrival, she spotted the Doctor beneath the TARDIS control desk muttering to herself.

"Hey, Doctor," said Yaz. "I made you a cuppa,"

The Blonde jumped up from her spot and banged her head. "Oww.." She scrunched her face.

"Got a little excited, eh?" The brunette giggled.

"Guess so," She laughed, holding the mug that Yaz had passed to her with one hand and rubbing her head with the other. They sat down on the TARDIS steps. "I know why the boys were laughing earlier," She took a sip of her tea. "I just pretended I didn't because it's better on the one who's embarrassed," She smirked, looking at Yaz.

Yaz looked at the floor.

The Doctor took her chin and turned her face toward her own. "I'll tell you something. Ton sourire éclaire toutes les étoiles du ciel." The sentence rolled off her tongue.

Yaz smiled. "What does it mean? My GCSE in French doesn't go that far,"

The Doctor smiled. "You'll have to work it out,"

"That's so unfair!" Yaz playfully hit the Doctor's shoulder.

"Sorry. If I told you, I'd have to kill ya," the Doctor gave an exaggerated wink. Yaz pulled herself together ─ her heart was beating fast enough she might as well have had two. She joined the Doctor as she got up and walked over the console. "Let me show you the dispenser I've been working on," She pushed the new pedal to the right of the existing one. A bourbon biscuit slid out, ready for someone to take.

"Graham will be pleased," She smiled, putting the bourbon in her mouth.

"I know! I'm well chuffed with meself," The Doctor grinned.

Yaz couldn't stop thinking about what the Doctor had said to her. How could she translate it? She didn't know how to spell it, or who to ask if she tried to repeat it. After returning to her room for the night, this was all that was on her mind. It could have meant absolute gibberish for all Yasmin knew, but there was something in the way the Doctor looked at her whilst saying it. It must've been... important?

She sighed, and turned over in the bed. The TARDIS beeped, disturbing the silence.

"What?" Yaz huffed.

Her laptop screen turned on, and a Word Document was open. Yaz lifted herself up onto the edge of her bed to look at the screen, squinting her eyes.

Your smile lights up all the stars in the sky

She smiled, and whispered a thank you to the space ship.

Once she'd reached the library, where the Doctor supposedly was, according to where the TARDIS was leading her, she stepped inside. The Doctor was curled up in an armchair not far from her, reading a thick book. Her eyes flicked upwards, and she was drawn back to reality once she'd registered your presence. The brunette's heart fluttered at the sight.

"Your smile lights up all the stars in the sky," said Yaz. "Is that what you said?"

After putting her book down, she started to walk closer to the other woman. "To be honest, I thought you'd never find out. So it's actually a bit awkward now that I-" Yaz kissed her. She interrupted her rambling and kissed her. It was possibly the riskiest thing she'd ever done ─ she wasn't usually the one to make such a bold move but with the Doctor, she supposed, it was necessary.

Yaz pulled away after several seconds. "Sorry, I-"

"No. Don't be," the Doctor's cheeks were dusted with pink. "How did you find out what it meant?"

"If I told you, well, I'd have to kill ya!" She gave an exaggerated wink. The blonde rolled her eyes, grinning.

"Okay, I'll accept that," she sighed. "I'll just remember to incorporate as many different languages as I can when we're with other people then, eh? Seeing as you like it?"

Yaz chuckled. "You know me too well. The TARDIS told me,"

"Ah. Of course," she smiled. "I'm still doing I said I would though,"

Yaz rolled her eyes and smiled. 

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