A Twin Disaster (Chapter 1)

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Alrighty folks, let's make some die-hard fans mad. 

So we open three days after the big battle (which I honestly remember none of it), and Eragon is musing over the meaning of life. He's in pain, the people revere him for slaying the Shade or whatever (EVEN THOUGH IT WAS ON ACCIDENT) and that guy's name is mentioned again, EVEN THOUGH IT WAS NEVER MENTIONED IN THE FIRST BOOK. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?

Apparently fighting the darkness had transformed Eragon. I'm not convinced. HE'S STILL AN EMO TEEN.

I kid you not, he picks up a tooth and plays with it. 

Most of this is pointless filler that attempts to show Eragon is some kind of hotshot now. 

HE'S NOT, but I'll save that rant for later.

Murtagh's back and apparently the Varden are putting aside their "petty" hate (WHAT IT'S NOT PETTY. IT'S SERIOUS) 

Oh. Arya's back. Guess who Eragon stares at for the next few minutes. 

So stuff happens. It's supposed to be exciting, but I'm just bored. GET ON WITH THE PLOT. 

Oh, orc-ripoffs show up. *jazz hands*

Someone dies. I don't know who he is, but he must have been important because he is awarded a death scene for his "valor." 

It's a cliche death scene, complete with "Keep the rebellion alive, don't let it fall."

Eragon is too immature to be trusted with such a task, but apparently no one cares about that in this universe. 

Apparently Murtagh and twins have been captured. Ahhh, this is the inciting incident. 

And he wants Arya to go find them. She does.

More stuff happens. Too many characters. I don't care anymore. 

Apparently Arya's a lost cause in the caves...so they leave her alone and helpless in the caves.

Welp, I hate everyone so far. What else is new?

They morn the man who died. I. Don't. Care.

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